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Excerpts from Judicial Watch:

Obama amnesty has spread like wildfire in Mexico, igniting a crisis in a border crossing overwhelmed by illegal immigrants who’ve been taught that using “key words and phrases” will allow them to enter and remain in the U.S.

A San Diego California news station reports the story this week and now the feds have launched a “very intense” search for the leakers. A loophole in the administration’s backdoor amnesty plan is allowing hundreds of illegal aliens into the U.S. from Mexico, federal government sources tell the news station.

In just one day this week, 199 illegal immigrants came through the Otay crossing in San Diego claiming “credible fear” of Mexican drug cartels. A Border Patrol agent said this: “They are being told if they come across, when they come up to the border and they say certain words, they will be allowed into the country.”  Federal agents at the Otay crossing have been so overwhelmed, the processing center was shut down this week and cases were shipped by van to another station in San Ysidro.



So, if I claim to have "credible fear" of persecution & torture, from the "government", where can I go?
I hope it's accurate that this info is being sold for $300. I imagine most Mexicans can't raise this kind of money. It wouldn't surprise me though, if millions of leaflets w...
  • August 10, 2013
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Janice  Vicks
If one can buy it for 300 what is stopping them from sharing it for free? We may all end up like Snowden in an airport in Russia.
  • August 11, 2013
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