The Fair Tax is the ONLY tax plan on the table that would get rid of the IRS. I'm for it!


FairTax Act will clean up Congress that is corrupt

“The Senate’s top tax writers have promised their colleagues 50 years worth of secrecy in exchange for suggestions on what deductions and credits to preserve in tax reform.”

This is the opening sentence in a piece published by The Hill, a Washington, D.C., online newspaper. Reread that first sentence.

If so, our Senate is so corrupt its members don’t want their name connected with the sordid “tax deals” they have made in the past. It can’t be because they would be embarrassed or ashamed. They are incapable of such. They are afraid that we, their voting constituents, might find out just how corrupt they are and vote them out.

Many congressmen are so intoxicated on the power that comes with the IRS and the tax code, the Congress doesn’t govern effectively.

This couldn’t happen if the FairTax Act were adopted. This proposed tax legislation has been before Congress for more than 10 years, but never even considered. With the FairTax, there are no loop holes; absolutely no opportunity for “crooked deals” by elected congressmen.


im for this too get rid of the irs!!!!
  • August 25, 2013
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Lucas Delgado
I've been on board. This would be the answer to many prayers.
  • August 26, 2013
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