We need to call all the Florida Legislators and tell them to support Rep. Debbie Mayfield's bill, HB25.  We need to ask the Senate to sponsor a companion bill, and .....we need to demand that next weeks hearings be open, transparent, and fair!!

The Florida Legislature is in committee meetings this week, if we want to stop Common core we need to let them know.
Also the Conservative talk radio stations are being swamped with pro Common core radio spots. All from a group called Conservatives for Higher Standards, with all the same lies (state led, voluntary Blah, blah blah...The people they cite as being conservatives who support common core are Jeb Bush, the Fordham Inst. Mike Huckabee and Bill Bennett. We have been able to trace all but Bennett to funds from Bill Gates, but Bennett get a lot of ad revenue from K-12 which does get Gates grants. If you hear these ads please call the station to let them know that this group is not who they say they are. See this site about the group. http://www.stopcommoncore...


If you prefer to call without the Phone bank uses the numbers below, Also below are is a list of the

Message to House-
Commissioner Steward says PARCC is still on the table and doesn't expect anthing to change after the standards hearings (see our blog in link on rt).  This is evidence that the Governor's Order has no effect,  Therefore, we are demanding that  Rep. Debbie Mayfield's Bill-HB25 be heard in committee! We support this bill and our voices must be heard!

House Education Committee
Marlene O'Toole 352-315-4445
Elizabeth Porter 386-719-4600
Democrat Ranking Member Betty Reed 813-241-8024

K-12 Education Committee
Rep. Janet Adkins 904-491-3664 & 904-246-0532
Rep. Manny Diaz 305-442-6800
Democrat Ranking Member Dennis Baxley 352-732-1313

House Education Appropriations Sub Committee
Rep Erik Fresen 305-663-2011
Rep Jake Raburn 813-653-7097
Rep Dwayne Taylor 386-239-6202

Speaker of the House Will Weatherford 813558-5115
Majority Leader Steve Crisafulli 321-449-5111
Democratic Leader Perry Thurston Jr. 954-321-2800

Message to Senate-
Commisssioner Stewarts stated that she doesn't expect anything to change after the standards hearings-we need a companion bill to go with Rep. Debbie Mayfield's bill (HB-25).

Senator John Legg 813-909-9919
Senator Bill Montford 850-653-2656 & 850-627-9100

Education Appropriations Committee
Senator Bill Galvano 941-741-3401
Senator Bill Montford 850-897-5747 & 850-627-9100

Senate President Don Gaetz 850-747-5856 & 850-897-5747
Message tp Governor Scott-

Your commissioner says that she doesn't expect anything to change after the standards hearings. We demand that you make sure the Commissioner holds transparent and open hearings and listens to the citizens of the state!

Governor Scott 850-488-7146




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