This may be the most important item to come up since Obama was "put" into power! 

Up to now, we have had no recourse but to stand by and watch helplessly as Obama picks which laws to uphold, which to ignore and which to change in part at his own whim while bypassing the legal authority of the congressional branch.

Finally, a group of GOP house members has said it is time to draw a line in the sand!

While many believe the time to draw a line was after the first over step, the fact that this has become a repeated behavior which is clearly unconstitutional, draws us to a very dangerous place in American history. For the first time we are allowing a President to act as a Dictator rather than within the confines of his power as set forth in the US Constitution. Unchecked and unchallenged only a fool could believe it will not continue to the point of fundamentally transforming America from a Constitutional Republic to a Dictatorship.

It is a good time to recall possibly the only serious promise that Obama made during his campaign, which was to do just that - fundamentally transform America. He didn't define what he meant when he made the promise and Americans trusted in their own visions. Especially those who were unaware of his Communist and Marxist connections could not foresee the dangers of what might be hidden in that vague promise. Had the media and his rivals done their job by exposing his past perhaps we would not be where we are today. But, that is a subject for another article and we cannot undo the past.

Today, we are given an opportunity to go forward with a legal challenge against the goings on of the President who is acting outside of his authority. It is important that every one of us who are concerned muster up the determination and be heard by our Congressional Representatives. Over the past five years we have all but drained ourselves fighting one after the other of the bills and agendas that this administration has turned out against us, but now is not the time to give up! This resolution is a chance to fight back against these dangerous actions by President Obama. We MUST rise to this occasion and get involved.

Below you will find related news articles and two important videos. One is of Representative Trey Gowdy questioning Simon Lazarus, Senior Counsel to the Constitutional Accountability Center, one of several legal experts who testified at a hearing titled, "The President's Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute Laws." He asked if the President can fail to enforce entire categories of law as well as particular questions such as "If the President can fail to enforce immigration laws, can the President likewise fail to enforce election laws?" Lazarus was hard pressed to offer a reassuring answer.

The other is a news report based on an interview with Representative Gowdy, about the growing movement by the house to back a resolution he is a co-sponsor of, H.Res 442 as originally proposed by Representative Tom Rice. It is called the STOP resolution aka "Stop This Overreaching Presidency." STOP would use the court system to challenge Obama's actions.

Examples of the types of over reach this President has exerted: Obama's intervention in Libya, Obama's ACA administrative fix of canceled plans by telling State Insurance Commissioners and insurance companies to give them back, Obama's declaration of a one year delay in the ACA employer mandate, Obama's declaration that we won't enforce certain immigration laws in a way that grants amnesty and which triggered a lawsuit by ICE agents claiming he effectively asked them to ignore the constitution and current laws.

Here is all we need - a majority of the house and for House Speaker Boehner to litigate it.

Let's make it happen!

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Lucas Delgado
This urgently needs our attention. Thank you for posting.
  • December 17, 2013
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Linda Mihalic
  • December 17, 2013
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Carl Spencer
Will do
  • December 18, 2013
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Safari Woman
Related -
Obama's Disdain For The Constitution Means We Risk Losing Our Republic
  • December 18, 2013
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