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Guides to Common Core plus a confession from Jeb Bush

It has come to my  attention that many do not understand who we were forced into common core , As a primmer I present you with a few recently posts that attempt to explain the basics.  there are also some of the better videos on common core and why what is is doing to out kids, parents and teachers.

Diane Ravitch made a speech explaining common core and it is pretty good. it make the complicated A little easier to understand. The speech text is in a story by Valerie Strauss

Everything you need to know about Common Core — Ravitch


State Impact Florida, posted a blog which  is just OK but has a time line, to help get our head around it.

Your Essential Guide To The Common Core

State Impact FloridaJanuary 30, 2014 | 4:54 PM By

Three Questions: Jeb Bush On The State Of Common Core And Testing In Florida

one of the comments read: willispebble

This is so rich coming from Jeb Bush who was, and probably still is running around saying how he personally saved education in Florida with his FCATs. How he took Florida from the one of the lowest rated to close to the highest rated state in the US, as I heard him say a while ago.
Did Mr. Bush's FCATs turn into sub-par crappy standards when they were paid for and no longer generating revenue for the suppliers or was it when his foundations received a couple of millions from the biggest common core pusher of all, Bill Gates?
PS. Jeb, you need to change the name of your "Foundation for Excellence in Education" to the "Foundation for Sameness in Education".


These Videos are a  collection of video explaining common core, how it is effecting school board members, teachers, parents and teachers. Also, there are video which explains the true goal that is behind common core over and above the millions of dollars of tax payer money that common core will be made but the corporation and corporation that initially funded the creation of common core.

The first four video are some of the first ones done about common core and still some of the few video actually produced as videos. Most of the others were simply recordings of meetings or comment.


Stop Common Core, American Principles Project and the Concerned Women of America in Georgia made the following video series on the Common Core State Standards possible. Jane Robbins of American Principles Project gives a broad explanation of the problems of the Common Core.

Click for Part 1:
Chapter 1      Origins of the Common Core
Chapter 2      Testing Mandates

Click for Part 2:
Chapter 3      Education Without Representation
Chapter 4      Sub-Standard Standards

Click for Part 3:
Chapter 5      Intrusive Data Tracking
Chapter 6      High Price Tag

Click for Part 4:
Chapter 7      National Standards Do More Harm Than Good
Chapter 8      Future Effect of Common Core

Click for Part 5:
Chapter 9      Where Does All This Lead?
Chapter 10    Take Action!


Recorded at the Knox County School Board Regular Meeting  Published on Nov 7, 2013

TN Student Speaks Out About Common Core, Teacher Evaluations, an

A comparison of traditional Education and Common core

Understanding Common Core - Traditional Education vs Com


Good explanation from a parent, contains videos from common core advocates  to show what they really what to do to our kids “in their own words”

Arkansas Against Common Core - Grace Lewis - What is Common Core

Check if your State has pending legislation to get rid of common core. At    An Initiative of American Principles Project






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