By the National Republican Senate Committee. I found this on FB - shared it on my private page if anyone is connected and wants to pick it up and pass it on from there. (Will probably cross post on Safari FB page.) It does go to a fundraiser page after you answer the questions - but not neccessary to give.

I dared to post in the midst of liberal idiot comments and under my real name to boot on the fb share...  If they read comments there that is probably just as or more important than their survey. You can say more.

I said "Reading comments has made me more aware of the need for the Republicans to stand for the constitution and genuine political conservative ideas strongly. I won't give blindly to the party because you still back RINOs - I will give to candidates around the country - even out of my district, that I believe in. Once in, what they do affects us all. Daily I find people are clueless about the benefits of less government and lower taxes. How good of a job has the left done to brainwash the masses into believing otherwise? The REP party, if we have to have parties and I truly wish we would abolish them and derail all of the agendas, should stand up tall for freedom as it is the foundation of this nation. And people who carry the past around are too weighted down with it and too blinded by it to live in the moment or rise up to look ahead to the future. Try living in the moment REP party and see the destruction we wallow in --- now loan us a shovel and teach us how to dig out. That should be your goal this year. The people that I know who love freedom and who crave it to be restored are strong. They won't vote for less than that. Give us that - and you will grow."


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