Time is short to get common core, whatever name they decide to call it in Florida, out of Florida. Most of us who are against common core never heard of common core before it was already here. Locked in place and being used on our children. It was only when we saw the frustration and the anxiety it cause our kids which first made us investigate. The more we learned the more we wanted to stop it. Many of us have reached a point where we know much more than our school board members and our legislatures. Thi is just not right. When we talk to them they seem indifferent to what we are saying. So even if we try to let it go we see our kids losing their natural curiosity and it being replaced with weeks of stressed boredom punctuated by high anxiety testing. So we can’t give up. We will complain about taxes, we will defend our rights but we will fight for our children.

Please, call email, fax, you state legislature and let them know how you feel about common core; there is no excuse for them not knowing what you know. This legislative session is the last chance to stop common core without wasting millions in tax dollars putting in place the machinery of indoctrination and intimidation. There are seven weeks left. If fully implemented in this upcoming school year, there will be no way for our children and grandchildren to escape the stress of high stakes testing while they unlearn everything you taught them. Use the action page at http://stopcommoncoreflor...

Follow these links for ways to fight for our kids and stop common core

§  Stop Common Core in Florida Now!
Great resource for stopping common core

§  Senate Bill 1316 (2014) - The Florida Senate

§  Florida House of Representatives - Education Appropriations Subcommittee

§  Public Index | LobbyTools
LobbyTools public index of Florida Legislators and Committees

§  Local Resolution Against COMMON CORE- Point And Click This To Your Commissioners In 60 Seconds – Florida Tenth Amendment Center
Florida Tenth Amendment CenterThe Governor and Legislature plan on going forward with the sacrifice of Florida’s children to further their own careers and agendas.

Dear Legislator..There are over 7.0 million parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles with family members in Florida Schools. I am just one of 7.0 million opposed to the State Legislatures wholesale transfer of our sovereign rights to govern our scho...House side:

1) David Hood – – (850) 717-5025
2) Dane Eagle – – (850) 717-5077
3) J.W. Grant – – (850) 717-5064

Senate side:
1) Kelli Stargel – – 850-487-5015
2) David Simmons – – 850-487-5010
3) John Legg – – 850-487-5017

If we ALL take the time to email and call it WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!! But it takes all of us. If only a few act, then they won’t take us seriously. If you took action- please let us know!!

§  Ask Your Congressman to Support Resolution Opposing Common Core | Liberty Action Center
Ask Your Congressman to Support Resolution Opposing Common Core Common Core is being implemented across the US, including Pennsylvania. Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) has introduced H. Res. 476 which denounces the use of federal coercion to lure states into adopting the Common Core Standards and calls for restoration of local control. Ask Your Congressman to Support Resolution Opposing Common Core
Common Core is being implemented across the US, including Pennsylvania. Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) has introduced H. Res. 476 which denounces the use of federal coercion to lure states into adopting the Common Core Standards and calls for restoration of local control.

§  Florida's TACtion Center – Presented by the Florida Tenth Amendment CenterWelcome to Florida's TACtion Center - Presented by the Florida Tenth Amendment Center
Take Action! Find the latest info & actions you can take to nullify the overreaching federal government and defend liberty in Florida presented by the FLTAC.Action Alert Update! HB 25 to Stop Common Core Needs Your Support in the Education Appropriations Committee

§  Greg Evers Files Anti-Common Core Legislation | Sunshine State News
Greg Evers files Senate bill to stop Common Core

§  Local Resolution Against COMMON CORE- Point And Click This To Your Commissioners In 60 Seconds – Florida Tenth Amendment Center
Florida Tenth Amendment Center Local Resolution Against COMMON CORE- Point And Click This To Your Commissioners In 60 Seconds

Learn about Common Core

§  Faces of Common Core - YouTube
This video takes a close, personal look at the struggles many of our children face with the new Common Core standards. These developmentally inappropriate st...This video takes a close, personal look at the struggles many of our children face with the new Common Core standards. These developmentally inappropriate standards are now used in 45 states. Our group, Faces of Common Core on Facebook, was created as a place to compare notes and support each other. To join the fight against Common Core, please visit and find the link to your state's site.

§  Common Core Standards by Dr. Peg Luksik - YouTube
Dr. Peg Luksik comes to Dutchess County and shares why Common Core cannot work. She is a teacher with over 35 years of experience in both special and element...Dr. Peg Luksik comes to Dutchess County and shares why Common Core cannot work. She is a teacher with over 35 years of experience in both special and elementary education, and a former advisor to the U.S. Department of Education. She has extensive experience in assessments in a classroom setting and has written and evaluated curriculum, as well as authoring several books on education issues.-

§  Common Core Summarized in 2 Minutes - YouTube
Dr. Peg Luksik is interviewed by the press at Sen. Ball's Common Core forum and summarizes the Common Core fiasco in a couple of minutes.--Poughkeepsie, New ...

§  Common Core Standards - Fact and Fiction - YouTube
Presented by Joy Pullmann Managing Editor of School Reform News and an Education Research Fellow at The Heartland Institute Published on Apr 14, 2013
Presented by Joy Pullmann, Managing Editor of School Reform News and an Education Research Fellow at The Heartland Institute

§  Part 1 of 5 Stop the Common Core - YouTube
Copyrighted material. Not authorized to download and reproduce on DVDs. Order DVDs at on Nov 12, 2012
Still the best viseos on Connon Core

§  "Story-Killers: How the Common Core Destroys Minds and Souls" by Terrence O. Moore - YouTube
AWC Family Foundation lecture: "Story-Killers: How the Common Core Destroys Minds and Souls" Terrence O. Moore Professor of History, Hillsdale College Thursd...The Common Core Standards control the testing and curriculum of public schools and a large number of private schools in over forty states in the nation. Sold to the public as a needed reform, the Common Core nationalizes absurdity, superficiality, and political bias in the American classroom. As a result, the great stories of a great nation are at risk, along with the minds and souls of our children.

§  The Glenn Beck Program: Common Core and Education - YouTube
Glenn Beck has done a few episodes on Common Core, which is what the federal government is trying to implement in our schools. This episode focused mainly on...Glenn Beck has done a few episodes on Common Core, which is what the federal government is trying to implement in our schools. This episode focused mainly on the data mining aspect of Common Core

§  Major Problems with Common Core
There are significant problems with Common Core Standards, not least of which is unprecedented data collection on our children, accessible by private companies.WHAT IS COMMON CORE?
The Common Core standards are national standards portrayed as state-led and voluntary that are being implemented by Washington DC trade groups funded by the federal government and unaccountable, private foundations.

§  TALLAHASSEE: Renaming ‘Common Core’ standards does little to end education debate - Legislature -
Despite their new name, the education benchmarks known as the Florida Standards closely resemble the controversial Common Core State Standards. Randy Osborne, a political consultant and co-founder of Florida Stop Common Core Coalition, was not satisfied.
“Let’s not just change the name,” Osborne said. “We must pull out of it completely, get out of the system.”
Read more here:

§  Education Committee Page - The Florida Senate
Florida Committee on Education

§  Is the ‘Common Core’ Initiative Dumbing Down America’s Students? | Video |
Last week TheBlaze covered in detail the controversial school curriculum system -- one that had students actually design a socialist flag -- out of Texas dubbed CSCOPE. Thursday, however, the focus turned to another disturbing initiative in America's education system: Common Core Standards State Standards. The Common Core...

§  Common Core implementation called ‘worse’ than launch
Whether you support the Common Core State Standards or don’t, it’s hard to argue that the implementation so far has been smooth. I’ve posted some pieces about just bad the implementation of the Common Core State Standards and related testing has been going in New York (for example, here) but here’s a comparison that will make it easy to understand just how badly it has goneWhether you support the Common Core State Standards or don’t, it’s hard to argue that the implementation so far has been smooth. I’ve posted some pieces about just bad the implementation of the Common Core State Standards and related testing has been going in New York (for example, here) but here’s a comparison that will make it easy to understand just how badly it has gone


Update on recent legislation

There is good news and bad news on the stop common core front.

Because the opportunities provided by the good news are extensive I will start with the bad news.

I called the members of the Education committees for both houses of the Florida legislature. The aides I talked to all attempted to convince me that that we Florida had already dropped common core because Pam Stewart and the Florida Department of Education anointed them as Florida’s Standards,.  We know the truth, but it does give them a way dismiss us if we are not persistent.  The impression I was left with was that when the FLDOE announces their “lipstick on a pig” new Florida (don’t call it common core) common core standards, it will be too late in the session to get SB1316 and HB25 out of committee and to a vote. I hope I am wrong.

Now the possibly good news, The Florida Senate bill 864 “Legislation to Safeguard Local Control of Textbooks” came out of the education committee. This may be another way of fooling us into not pushing for a more stringent stop common core bill. However, I do think Senator Hayes is sincere.  No comment on anyone else just yet.   May be someone can look at it and give their opinion.  If this passes intact, it may provide a way to nullify the textbook component of common core. Of course that will not prevent the assessments from happening but it would give our students a break from digital indoctrination and fuzzy math

For this law to do any good we need good people on the textbook selection committee. That means good people need to be picked by the school board members. So, why would they pick conservative constitutional people to be on the committee?  Because, if we will get two good candidates to run ageist the two board members which would open the debate to public scrutiny.

Also, I noticed that the Florida Statutes section 1006.41 calls for the Disposal of instructional materials. We need to save hose textbooks because when we are all digital, history can be changed with a few keystrokes. Please see the section below for the way we can get these books if they are worthy of saving.


Here is the Summary from Senator Gaetz

For Immediate Release

March 11, 2014


Contact: Katie Betta

(850) 339-7087


Britton Alexander

(863) 528-0360


Legislation to Safeguard Local Control of Textbooks
Passes Senate Committee on Education


Tallahassee–The Florida Senate Committee on Education, chaired by Senator John Legg (R-Lutz), today passed Senate Bill 864, Instructional Materials for K-12 Public Education. Sponsored by Senator Alan Hays (R-Umatilla), SB 864 provides that the district school board has the constitutional duty and responsibility to select and provide adequate instructional materials for all students.

“As a former school board member, superintendent, and most importantly a parent of two children who received their primary school education in Northwest Florida public schools, I know firsthand that textbooks and other instructional materials should be subject to review by local parents, teachers and district personnel,” said Senate President Don Gaetz (R-Niceville). “This legislation eliminates any suggestion of federal intrusion and affirms local control of a local responsibility.”

Senate Bill 8
64 affirms local control of instructional materials by repealing the statewide instructional materials review and adoption process and requiring a district school board or consortium of school districts to implement an instructional materials program. The legislation requires the local district school board, rather than the statewide commissioner of education, to conduct an independent investigation to determine the accuracy of district-adopted instructional materials.


Senate Bill 864 also requires public notice of instructional materials adoption, the opportunity for public review and comment, and appointment of a district instructional materials review committee. The committee must contain: (1) a least one person who is not employed by the district; (2) a number of classroom teachers equal to the number of district school board members and representative of the subject areas and grade levels of the instructional materials being considered for adoption; (3) at least one parent of a student who is currently enrolled in a public school in the district. District instructional materials review committees are permitted to combine with other district committees, which may reduce costs associated with the review and adoption of instructional materials for smaller school districts.


For more information, please visit .


Here are two sections of the Florida Statues that are affected by the bill.

Align with state standards included on

  615 the state-adopted list, except as otherwise authorized in

  616  paragraphs (b) and (c). This section does not apply to a

  617  district school board or a consortium of school districts which

  618  implements an instructional materials program pursuant to s.

  619  1006.283, except that by the 2015-2016 fiscal year, each

  620  district school board shall use at least 50 percent of the

  621  annual allocation for the purchase of digital or electronic

  622  instructional materials that align with state standards.


1006.41  Disposal of instructional materials.—

  637         (1) Instructional materials that have become unserviceable

  638  or surplus or are no longer on the district state contract may

  639  be disposed of, under adopted rule of the district school board,

  640  by:

  641         (a) Giving or lending the materials to other public

  642  education programs within the district or state, to the teachers

  643  to use in developing supplementary teaching materials, to

  644  students or others, or to any charitable organization,

  645  governmental agency, home education students, private school, or

  646  state.

  647         (b) Selling the materials to used book dealers, recycling

  648  plants, pulp mills, or other persons, firms, or corporations

  649  upon such terms as are most economically advantageous to the

  650  district school board.

Safari Woman
Wow as if this mess wasn't complicated enough. I'll read this again after I've had some sleep. I have written to my reps about common core previously but have no problem contacting them again. I just need to bring myself up to date before I potentially get the brush off.
  • March 13, 2014
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