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I am posting a portion of the links i have collected  about  Jeb Bush and his support of common core. There are also stuff from the democratic side that is probably being held back in case he gets the nomination (god forbid). I have nothing against Bush but his influence means my kids are getting common core unless I can find a way to get them in private school. I will NOT let my kids take an assessment  from the American Institute of Research. They will get psychological data that the the NSA could only dream of getting.

Jeb Bush is not the driving force behind common core. He probably likes the idea of government control of education because that is what he did while in office in Florida. However, Jeb Bush is supporting common core because he is paid to by Bill Gates. Bill Gates paid him through his "foundations" to support common core and even paid the operating expenses for Jeb's Foundation for Excellence in Education, which presumably should be renamed the the" Foundation for Sameness in Indoctrination" now that common core is here. The real person behind common core is Bill Gates and others higher up the food chain then good old Jeb Bush (his name is not really Jeb).

.Bill Gates, for some reason thinks he should change the way the world educates children. Whatever! He can even put out an even numbered operating system.

Here are the links, they are not in order, yet but should be searchable and they should work. This is a work in progress so if it is a mess now I working on it, and adding to it until common core is just  a bad memory.

Please excuse any typos. Thank you.


Jeb Bush and Common Core


Jeb Bush And Common Core  


Jeb Bush And Common Core

Safari Woman
Wow great stuff thanks!
  • May 1, 2014
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