I received an action alert about severl amandments on t5he last day of the regular session and I was amazed by one put forth by Florida Demaocratic Senator Montford.




Read this woiout the markup. (Underlines are additions)

The parent shall ensure that the student participates in the statewide assessments pursuant to s. 1008.22.

If Passed it would be crime for a parent not to subject thier children to the common core, If that is the case I will be violating the law!

Imposing Common Core Tests on Private Schools - Senator Bill Montford (D-Tallahassee) has filed an amendment to require private school voucher students to take the AIR Common Core tests, which would impose the Common Core standards on private schools. We asked our Senator4 to oppose the MONTFORD 600876 AMENDMENT!


Floor: WD/2R .
05/01/2014 08:50 AM .
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Senator Montford moved the following:

1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
3 Delete lines 1103 - 1109
4 and insert:
5 (e) The parent shall ensure that the student participates
6 participating in the scholarship program takes the norm
7 referenced assessment offered by the private school. The parent
8 may also choose to have the student participate in the statewide
9 assessments pursuant to s. 1008.22. If the parent requests that
10 the student participating in the scholarship program take
11 statewide assessments pursuant to s. 1008.22 and the private
12 school has
14 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================
15 And the title is amended as follows:
16 Delete lines 89 - 91
17 and insert:
18 school district’s designated assessment site and in
19 accordance with the district’s assessment schedule;
20 requiring parental
Safari Woman
I understand this is a draft not for passing around yet - but it is showing up (to me) and I'm looking at it and thinking WTHELL! Is it currently against the law not to subject kids to common core?
  • May 1, 2014
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Joseph Ryan
I hope not, I had not had time to see the finial bill, but the sheer arrogance of an elected official to propose that kind of thing means we have to get these people out of office and on the golf course where they can only hurt other golfers. Personally I think jail is a more fitting place. Any way ...
  • May 2, 2014
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Safari Woman
What a Commie tool he is!
  • May 2, 2014
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Joseph Ryan
You said it!
  • May 2, 2014
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