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Sunday, June 22, 2014 by: Paul Fassa

(NaturalNews) For starters, there's no real proof that sunscreens actually prevent most skin cancers. Yet your dermatologist is probably robotically advising you to slather on a toxic sunscreen as a proven skin cancer preventive.

Did your doctor mention studies showing that people who spend a greater percentage of their time outdoors have the lowest risk of melanoma?

For example, office workers have a greater melanoma risk than farmers, construction workers and even lifeguards! Based on population studies, melanoma rates are higher in Minnesota than Arizona, as well as higher in Norway than in the south of France.

Another pesky fact: Melanoma often occurs in dark places shielded from the sun, including the soles of the feet, the genitals, inside the nose and mouth, and under the fingernails.

The evidence indicates that those who spend more time in the sun without burning have less risk for melanoma than those who spend very little time in the sun. Countries where sunscreen is slavishly used like the USA have the greatest rates of skin cancer.

Dr. Marianne Berwick of the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center reviewed the top studies on sunscreens and cancer. Her conclusion: "There is no evidence that use of sunscreen at any age offers any real protection against malignant melanoma."

Back in 2007, the FDA "tentatively concluded that the available evidence fails to show that sunscreen use alone helps [prevent] skin cancer."

In fact, malignant melanoma, the most deadly type of skin cancer, is on the rise despite years of wholehearted sunscreen use by the public; the number of melanoma skin cancer cases has tripled over the past 35 years.

The most common type of cancer in the United States is melanoma. Approximately 68,000 Americans are diagnosed with melanoma yearly, while another 48,000 are diagnosed with a type of early form of the disease. An additional 2 million people are treated for basal cell and squamous cell skin cancer yearly. Yet the annual death rate is less than 1,000.

Sunscreens cause cancer

The consumer watchdog Environmental Working Group (EWG) has reported that almost half of the most popular sunscreens on the market actually accelerate the development of malignant skin cancer cells.

Also, sunscreens block UVB rays, which are vitamin-D-producing, thus effectively blocking the skin from producing vitamin D with sunlight. Currently, over 70% of the population (USA) suffers from vitamin D deficiency, and vitamin D has proven anti-cancer properties.

Sunscreen also blocks a pigment called melanin, which is your body's innate protection against burning via tanning. Melanin production is inversely related to DNA damage from UV radiation. Ironically, studies show that tanned skin, especially during childhood and adolescence, is protective against melanoma.

Regular sunscreen use has another liability: You're more likely to burn on the days you forgo sunscreen.

Big business

According to (2013), sunscreen sales grew 4.2% a year between 2007 and 2012 and generated $1 billion annually. Yet, even with sunscreen sales booming, there's been a troubling rise in melanoma skin cancers.

Several class-action lawsuits were filed against leading sunscreen manufacturers in 2006, alleging that manufacturers "are making systematically fraudulent, deliberately misleading claims on their labels and websites and in their advertising, exaggerating the ability of sunscreens to protect against the sun and reduce the risk of cancer and other skin ailments."

New FDA consumer protection sunscreen labeling rules took effect in 2012, but manufacturers can still claim that their products have cancer-protective benefits.

Rules or no rules, does it really make sense to slather chemicals onto your skin with a product that's not even a proven preventive, but actually increases the risk of skin cancer?

Sources for this article include:

http://institutefornatura... [PDF]




About the author:
Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding others toward a direction for better health with no restrictions on health freedom. You can visit his blog at http://healthmaven.blogsp...

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~ A Canadian study that was done about five years ago showed a link between using sunscreen of SPF 30 and higher, to Trisomy 21 ( Down Syndrome) and Autism. The Nano sized chemicals were able to be absorbed easily through the skin ( which is how the SPF does it's job) and reached the bloodstream, which then the chemical was deposited throughout the organs... especially the uterus and ovaries.... which then changed the DNA of the ovum. Considering women have now been using SPF products for over 20 years in everything they apply to their skin, ie: make-up, skin creams, etc. is no wonder why there are more babies being born with the above genetic anomalies.

Health Canada says it is better to have children born with these genetic anomalies than to get skin cancer! Obviously.... they haven't had a child with Trisomy 21 or Autism! BTW...I would provide a link to that study if I could.... it was scrubbed off the internet shortly after it was announced! ~


Safari Woman
Wow - on your final comment. First of all, I never considered sun screen to be a real deterrent to cancer. And I noticed that people who live in sunny areas are actually less likely to have it so that lines up. I use it to keep from burning. I live where it is possible to get burned in under an hour ...
  • June 23, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
I burn quicker than that! LOL! Thanks to the Scottish part of me! I'm hoping that the coconut oil, cod liver oil and extra vitamin D that I am taking will thwart my genetic inheritance this summer, and that I can finally get a bit of a tan instead of the usual burn and peel and repeat!

Yeah...that st...
  • June 23, 2014
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