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College or vocational training isn't an either/or at all proposition. You don't necessarily need a college degree to land a highly paid skilled labor job.

How true. I don't know why we looked down on VoTech kids but we did. It was wrong and I'm sorry that I had that attitude.
  • July 10, 2014
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Janice  Vicks
I married a Vo Tech Graduate who was smarter than any of the guys who went on to College. He didn't need the business skills or any of the trappings to run a ranch because he grew up as his father's second hand man and he already knew the ropes. He wanted to learn more about mechanics so he could wo...
  • July 11, 2014
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Linda Mihalic
Exactly why I posted this item! Some of the most ignorant and downright stupid people I have ever met have had advanced degrees. In their cases it was obviously a matter of paying enough for the certifications. BTW, that is exactly what I think about Obama.
  • July 11, 2014
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Linda, you hit the ball out of the park. I have many friends with MA's and two that are currently working on the Doctorates. Lovely people, all. But most definitely not the brightest bulbs in the marquee.

And while over achievers have the ability to intimidate, I just don't feel it because they'...
  • July 12, 2014
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Janice  Vicks
Me too L:inda and common sense seems to get knocked right out of many of their heads. lol
  • July 12, 2014
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I have found that people who work with their hands to be a bit more honest, straightforward, truth speaking than those who do mental (masturb*tion) work. perhaps it is no coincidence that Jesus was a carpenter and not a tax collector or a scribe
  • July 12, 2014
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Janice  Vicks
Amen to that. He was the son of a creator. Any carpenter knows what it takes to build one thing out of another.
  • July 12, 2014
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