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"Friday, from the floor of the House of Representatives, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi attacked her Republican colleagues for their push of passage of two bills to deal with the ongoing crisis at the U.S. southern border.

Pelosi invoked a letter from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops lobbying against the GOP efforts and urged her Republicans to read the the Parable of the Good Samaritan from the New Testament of the Bible."

Besides the fact that Nancy Pelosi referring to anything biblical is absurd, we have already heard that the Catholic Church in Central America has played a part of sending illegals to America and that the US government sent them money to do so. Now they are putting pressure on the USA to take them in and keep them. I do not agree with the US government giving any church money to round up illegals and send them to the US nor do I agree with the same church then pressuring us to keep them.

I don't know what is going on with this seeminly strange bedfellows situation but it definitely needs to be examined closely!

Dale Barnes
Socialists in cahoots is what it is. Look at the history of the church.
  • August 6, 2014
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Vicious woman! However, it's interesting to see that Pelosi is using the Catholic Church cafeteria style. She picks and chooses among the beliefs of the church as if she was herself the Pope.
  • August 6, 2014
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