Israel 1 - The Land of Israel (resized)


by, Carl in Jerusalem | Israel Matzav | Editorial Footnote by, J. Schuyler Montague 

In a Russian Television segment that was played repeatedly on television and on the internet, UN Special Rapporteur Richard Falk has once again accused Israel of being ‘genocidal.’

Let’s go to the videotape:

That video is an incredible collection of anti-Semites and nut cases. UN Watch’s Hillel Neuer adds:

Falk uses his imprimatur as a UN official to make the grievously false accusation that  Israel is acting with “genocidal intent” and perpetrating a “Holocaust.”

If Israel really is “genocidal,” it only follows logically that Falk will justify violence against Israelis, as he did in a recent blog post, berating “demands by Israel that Palestinians renounce violence” while Israel “sustains a structure of occupation and oppression.”

It’s time for the the U.S. to at least attempt to remove the 9/11 conspiracy theorist and Hamas supporter from his post—and to eliminate his prejudicial and outdated Human Rights Council mandate.

UN Watch today sent a letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urging him to condemn Falk. When the name of the world body is misused to promote specious canards—and as an odious warrant for terrorism—the UN chief has a moral duty to speak out.

But the truth is that Falk, like other Human Rights Council appointees, answers only to the U.S. and the 46 other member states of the UNHRC. In this case, the buck does not stop with Ban Ki-moon; it stops with Samantha Power, U.S. ambassador to the UN. That is why I have urged her, in a UN Watch letter sent today, to take action.

(You can do it too, by clicking here to send Ambassador Power a message.)

Read the whole thing.

And to think that Russia Today interviewed me nearly four years ago. I haven’t seen anything this anti-Semitic on the web from a non-Nazi website in a long time.

Editorial Footnote by, J. Schuyler Montague | sharia unveiled

I could easily disprove every lie in the video above.

The evidence?  Well, here are just a few:

In the video, the claim is made that:

1.   Israel is responsible for the sewage in the streets of Gaza .  – LIE!

Truth:  Hamas admittedly shut off the power plant to the sewage facility because Egypt halted fuel exports to Hamas/PA.  You can read about that at the link below this paragraph.  Additionally, if you read my ‘Editorial Footnote’ at the bottom of that article, you will see where I wrote a month ago:

‘..I guarantee you before this is over Israel gets blamed for it in the media..’

Just look for yourself:  Read this article and watch the video HERE.

2.   Israel is responsible for the living conditions of the ‘Palestinians.’  – LIE!

Truth:  Read this article and watch this video here from an “EX- Palestinian Rights Activist”

3.   Israel uses violence against the Palestinians.  – LIE!

Truth:  Read this article HERE.

4.   Israel is trying to eliminate the Palestinians.  – LIE!

Truth:  Read this article HERE.

5.   Israel is taking land and resources from the Palestinians.  – LIE!

Truth: Israel has been giving the Palestinian Authority (which is controlled by the terrorist organization Hamas) FREE construction supplies to build new homes, hospitals, schools, etc.  Israel gave them FREE plywood, boards, concrete, construction equipment, etc.  Hamas took these materials and used them to build underground tunnels into Israel to smuggle in suicide bombers to murder Jewish children.  Hamas did not use the supplies to construct even one house, not one school nor one hospital.  You can read the story HERE.  (Al Jazeera) An Arabic News Site.

Do you really want to know the truth about ‘ Palestine ?’

Watch this video:

Hamas Leader Reveals Where the ‘Palestinians’ Came From:


Did you notice in this video where the Hamas leader stated:

‘..Half of us ‘Palestinians’ are from Egypt and the other half are from Saudi Arabia ..?’

That’s precisely what we have been saying.   Israel has never taken any land from ‘Palestinians’ because there is no such thing as a ‘Palestinian.’

There was a “region” of Jordan called ‘ Palestine ’ that was established around 450BC.  It was not a nation but rather, a region of another nation.   Jordan .  The people called themselves ‘Jordanians,’ not Palestinians.

Futhermore, the nation of Israel has a documented and recorded history on their land that predates the region of Palestine by several thousand years.

At this link you will find a map of Israel from approximately 2,000 BC. (More than 1,500 years prior to the establishment of the Jordanian region called ‘ Palestine .’  Historical map of Israel.

For anyone that has studied history, the truth is quite simple:  These people in West Bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights were exiled prisoners from Egypt , Saudi Arabia and a few other Middle Eastern countries.  They were granted early release on one condition:

‘..Go to Israel , put up a tent and call the area ‘ Palestine ..’

It’s just another attempt by Muslims to steal Hebrew/Jewish land.

Israel should either ‘Bus them, Boat them or Bomb them’ back to where they came from.

10 Unknown West Bank Facts:


source:  http://israelmatzav.blogs...







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