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Many seniors who need medicaid are denied it because they earn too much. Others can get it but have to stop work. However Medicaid money is given for "Family Planning"

[Don't you love the languaging!]   FP includes prescriptions, office visits, birth control methods, permanent sterilization procedures (vasectomy and tubal ligation),

lab work, examination and counseling related to family planning. [And in alignment with this population control and lack of accountability...]

Your coverage does not include treatment for routine side effects or complications associated with family planning methods."     


Kahaluu Girl
that is messed up!
  • August 14, 2014
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Janice  Vicks
I believe medicaid prior to Obamacare covered the disabled who might have needed some of these items. I am not sure where it stands now.
  • August 14, 2014
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This is called 'progress'. I don't see it, but this is what they say. And I don't know who "they" are but "they" seem to have an opinion on everything!
  • August 15, 2014
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Janice  Vicks
They sure do! LOL
  • September 7, 2014
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