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Favoring a terrorist over American Military victims by this President is OUTRAGEOUS! That the shooter and what occurred was written off as work place violence by Barack Obama, Muslim sympathizer and armer of Terrorist Rebels, is a signal to us all of where his loyalty lies. Now, Hassan has further proven his intent behind the murders with this letter to ISIS.

EXCERPTS-> Victims of the Fort Hood shooting are pointing to news of a letter from the shooter, Nidal Hassan, as further evidence that the 2009 attack was a terrorism attack.

Hasan sent a two-page undated letter to Islamic State of Iraq and Syria leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdad asking to become a member of the extremist Islamic group, Fox News reported Friday after obtaining the letter.

In the letter, Hasan says it would be an honor to become an “obedient citizen soldier” for ISIS and signed the missive with his name and the abbreviation “SoA,” or “Soldier of Allah” – the same identification he used on business cards before the shooting.

News of the letter immediately stirred a renewed debate over why the administration designated the Fort Hood shootings an act of workplace violence rather than terrorism despite Hasan’s proven ties to al Qaeda.

A lawyer for the victims says Hasan’s letter to ISIS is just more “salt in their wounds.”


Dale Barnes
I tell you what, when they let this jackboot off on some pansy charge when he went on a rampage killing servicemen and women on American soil, that is when I knew non muzzies are less than fodder to this president.
  • September 1, 2014
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Dale Barnes
Excuse me, I called him a president. He is a traitorous usurper.
  • September 1, 2014
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Walter D.
you got that right!
  • September 1, 2014
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