Florida's Govenor Scott reviews Ed Standards, Been There, Done That

I don't want another Rick Scott review of the common core, renamed. We did that last year, in October, and the Florida Education commissioner, Pam Stewart, publicly told Scott, that she was going to ignore his order for a honest review of the standards. Until Governor Scott goes in and cleans Jeb Bush's people out of Florida's Education Department, any review will be just be another coat of lipstick on the common core pig.

If Governor Scott really wants to win in November, He needs to break with that loser, Jeb Bush, who is closer on most issues to his opponent Charlie Crist, than himself. A Jeb Bush endorsement is a liability rather than an asset.

Governor Scott could win big if he promised that no home-school or private school will be forced to take the common core standards (whatever they are named) or assessments. He should promise to stop the collection of personal data from the students, and ban testing companies like A.I.R. who gather data from the assessments. He should also promise the teachers of Florida that no
failed Algorithm, like the Value Added Model or VAM, will be used to determine their future.

If Governor Scott did these things he could stop the loss of votes from the teachers, the parents, and that largest of all political parties
in Florida, the independents, made up of disgusted Republicans and Democrats.

Finally, stop bragging about spending more money that rewards the promoters of common core, to pay for things that hurt our kids. It
just makes us mad.

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