For years I have enjoyed your food and thought you did a good job in offering fresh ingredients for a reasonable price. I am really sad to say, that no longer will I even consider a stop at your chain anymore. It is hard to imagine WHY you would chose to put the ugly hateful mug of the communist usurper's wife on your walls, but the only reason I can think of is that you go along with the take over of health care by the government. Only the least informed among us don't know the truth about the direction this is heading in. Harry Reid himself admitted that Single Pay is what the Democrats wanted but realized Americans weren't going to go along with that. (For now)They deftly invented a horrible law that no one can live with in hopes that it will leave no salvage of our system but single pay.

Because this is a generational agenda, and because the communists will never give up trying to take over this country from top to bottom, they will keep pushing for it especially in light of how unsuccessful Obamacare has been. If they succeed, it is to the benifit of the state that people are eating heathier. Do you think it is from the goodness of Michelle Obama's heart to care about people other than herself that inspired her push of the God awful school lunches that schools and children hate? Her entire "health" program is no more than preparation for the day that the government is in complete control of healthcare. If you can't see that, you aren't paying attention.

So, that makes your chain headquarters either stupid or complicit. I'll not support either. I predict that you will have customers turning around and walking out if they enter without knowing in advance that the mug shot of "MICHAEL" obama will be staring at them with a propaganda smile while insinuating that they need to take care of themselves for the good of the state. Others, like myself, who will hear about it before hand will just not enter to start with. While some of your decisions may be wise and helpful to your patrons, the underlying reasoning behind it is not. My boycott starts NOW.

This is a terrible mistake on your part. You aren't the only sandwich shop in town. There are options.

Here is a list of 25 Sandwich Chains for anyone else as upset with Subway as I am. http://www.thedailymeal.c...

Read about the Subway/Michelle Obama partnership at the link below ->

Linda Mihalic
That would make me puke before I could order. No thanks.
  • October 4, 2014
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Mike Blackwood
ah man no!!!!! not my footlong !
  • October 4, 2014
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Good! I prefer the independent sub shops anyway.
  • October 4, 2014
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really? her real face? oh, you mean a picture....sigh
  • October 5, 2014
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