From Natural News



All those who have long been prepping for a pandemic outbreak are suddenly looking like geniuses. With Ebola having now reached America and possibly spread to schoolchildren and medical staff, informed Americans are rushing to purchase protective supplies such as isolation gowns, Tyvek body suits, latex gloves and N95 masks.

In just one day, sales of Tyvek body suits on -- recommended in a Natural News article -- rose 143,325% (see screen capture from below).

Many of the supplies used for personal and family protection in a pandemic are already sold out. Others remain in supply but are rapidly being depleted. What's clear is that many of these supplies won't last very long. For example, Gaia Herb's Black Elderberry Extract on is down to just two left in stock as of this writing. (Elderberry extract has known antiviral properties, but of course like everything else it has never been tested or proven against Ebola.)

Authors such as Daisy Luther writing on have put together some very comprehensive preparedness lists. Check out her latest story: Ebola Confirmed in America: Here's What You Need To Do Right Now.

The list of supplies recommended in that article is quite comprehensive and includes safety goggles, N95 masks, nitrile examination gloves, antibacterial cleaners and more.

Don't forget food preparedness supplies

Beyond basic medical supplies, the second concern should focus on storable food. Remember: medical quarantines immediately lead to food shortages just as they have in Sierra Leone and Liberia.

Why food shortages? Because commercial delivery traffic is halted into the quarantine zones, and at the same time truck drivers refuse to drive into those zones even if they get permission to do so.

That's why any area under quarantine can expect to see grocery store shelves completely wiped out within a matter of hours after the quarantine is announced.

Pandemic quarantines are announced without any advanced notice for obvious reasons. Any advanced notice would allow people to flee the infected areas, further spreading the virus. It is anybody's guess how many infections in a city might trigger the government's quarantine protocols, but as long as health officials can contain these outbreaks to just a handful of people, quarantines of large regions won't be necessary.

Stay home or be arrested, orders Texas authorities

In Texas, family members who have come into contact with infected individuals have been ordered to stay in isolation under the threat of arrest.

"The state of Texas and Dallas County health officials have ordered four close family members of a Dallas Ebola patient to stay home and not have visitors to prevent spreading the deadly disease," reports the Dallas affiliate of CBS News. [1] "If ignored, a violation could result in criminal charges."

Notably, the family has not been forced into FEMA quarantine facilities, but that's the next step if they refuse to voluntarily isolate themselves at home.

Family members forced to give blood on command to Texas health authorities

One thing that is very concerning about the Texas situation is that those same family members have been ordered to give blood on command. "The family members must also be available to provide blood samples, agree to any testing by public health officials, and immediately report any symptoms to Dallas County Health and Human Services," reports CBS News.

It's clear that in a pandemic, all the usual rights of individual liberty are suspended, and people who are even suspected of contracting Ebola can be ordered into 21-day isolation and forced medical intervention by the state.

I've been trying to warn Americans that this day was coming, but the masses are too busy watching the NFL and Dancing With the Stars to wake up to reality. If an Ebola outbreak does manage to sweep across a large U.S. city, millions of people could be swept up in government-mandated medical quarantines enforced at gunpoint.

All those who previously whined about such talk and claimed it was "fear mongering" are now looking like fools, of course. The forced government isolations and blood draws have now begun in Texas.

Get prepared now. Learn the truth and gather the knowledge you'll need by downloading the free audio files at

Sources for this story include:


Are the dots starting to come together now? Think on this for a moment..... the storied we have been pondering over such as: the FEMA Camps, the order of thousands of plastic coffins, The order of 16,000 hazmat suits, the militarization of Law Enforcement agencies, the ongoing shipping of UN trucks and such, ....... what does this all mean?

Here's my thought.... this was planned, it was no accident! Obi Govt. has had a patent on Ebola since 2010!

Obi was worried about a revolt soon...what better way to impose Martial Law and suspend the 2016 Elections? Well...have a virulent virus come in and become an impending epidemic, then impose Martial Law when things are getting out of control cuz people are starving and scared of getting sick and dying!

Will anyone then blame you for imposing Martial Law during a crisis? Will anyone be worried about revolting when they are fighting for their mere survival? Won't millions willingly go to those camps if used as safe places or won't they be in agreement to send those infected to those camps?

This is the 9/11 that obi said America could handle! Only instead of 3000's going to be in the millions! And not a single shot fired by those who are pissed off with the Admin!

I'm pretty darn sure Obi and the upper echelon have already been vaccinated against Ebola! The Gov't. has a patent since 2010 on the Ebola virus! Plenty of time to make a more virulent strain and to have vaccinations made for them only. Then... give the more virulent strain of Ebola to Africa and let it do it's job! Knowing full well that at some point it will make it's way back to the USA!

Some may say I have my tin foil hat on too tight....but then again...doesn't it make sense?

Please listen to the videos at!



I'm ok with living my life as usual. I'm not about to wear a facemask or a Tyvek suit but I will use common sense precautions. I'm not employed and I'm not among the masses but many of my loved ARE so it can be worrisome.
  • October 4, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Washing your hands doesn't help when the virus is airborne.

Even if you go out shopping Rocky and touch something ( the shopping cart handle) that someone, who just sneezed in their hand touched and is carrying the Ebola virus...guess are now infected.
  • October 4, 2014
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