D.W.E.M. -- dead white European males and their work are not to be honored be-cause ""it would be foolish to choose a symbol so exclusive and effective in emphasizing the straight white male power structure of history."

As David Coleman, a designer of the Common Core curriculum and current president of the College Board, recently stated, "History is not about facts, it is about narratives." MacFarlane's [A. MacFarlane, The Culture of Capitalism, (Oxford and Cambridge, 1987)]
research just does not fit the revisionist narrative that they want to present to the unquestioning young minds that fill the classrooms each year. This is why the works of historical revisionists such as Howard Zinn is now common in the history curriculum of high schools. This has resulted in generations of people whose entire worldviews are based on an ideological revision of history that has no factual foundation.

Read more: http://www.americanthinke...  

The left wants to discredit every 'hero' and all of our 'history' until it's written that we were the pirates, looters, traitors and greed mongers.

You can count on them to bring back self flagellation and hari kari. They'll urinate on our graves.
  • October 25, 2014
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