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I am So Sick of Hearing that Jeb Bush is a Viable Candidate for President; I am Sick of Jeb Bush Himself

In the State of Florida, which should be preparing for a tough 2016 presidential election, we should be uniting the Republican Party. Jeb Bush who is going to run for the Republican nomination is destroying the party in Florida with his support of common core. I understand that Jeb’s foundations were kept alive by Bill Gates, to support Gates’ One World UNESCO education dream, we know the Jeb thinks he knows our children better than we do, and we get the fact that Jeb was a pioneer in education reform as a way to payback his cronies and fund his phony Foundations
As Jeb Bush force once good Republicans to lose their integrity, and their souls, so he can continue to push the Soviet style common core, he has destroyed the unity of the party. Very few Florida republicans dare defy him and so they need to twist themselves into knots to support common core. Jeb is turning good men and women into hapless liars. All to support common core; which was rejected by Republicans, nationally and locally. That is going to cost the Republicans the election, even if we have a decent candidate, which definitely means, not Jeb Bush.

In this video by Michelle Malkin, you get a little tast of how millions of Floridains feel about Jeb Bush. I do not cazar if he holds every other conservative credential, he is aiding and abetting the abuse of my children. he will never get my vote.


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