Whether the dollar dies this year or some other year or never, we can't deny that it buys less every year and the tips given here are great no matter what your feelings are about it. There is a lot of information here to justify the opinion that the dollar will die but what I was most impressed by were the economic financial tips that anyone can follow. For example:

  • Look for free or low-cost entertainment. Consider a family YMCA or community center membership instead of gymnastics clubs or private tennis lessons if you need to enroll your kids in some activities. Go hiking, have picnics, explore parks, go to the library, and find out what’s offered for free in your hometown. Learn to enjoy productive hobbies like canning, carving and needlework. Switch from cable to Netflix.
  • Use the envelope method to budget for shopping trips. For back-to-school shopping or Christmas shopping, decide how much you want to spend. Put that money in an envelope. As you shop, place each receipt in the envelope. When the money is gone, it’s gone. If there’s something else your child desperately wants, then they need to decide what item they’d like to take back to get it. Be firm and stick to your guns. This has the added benefit of teaching your children to budget.
  • Reduce your monthly payments by cutting things like cable, cell phones, home phones, and/or gym memberships.  Look at every single monthly payment that comes out of your bank account and slash relentlessly. (Click here to read more about cutting fixed expenses.)
  • Shop using the stockpile method.  Shop only the sales and simply replenish your stockpile. (Learn to build a one year food supply in 3 short months!)



eh i already do most of these except i have to have satellite or else i'd be cut off from the world
  • January 6, 2015
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