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In my years of experience at networking, I've seen quite a few suspicious accounts posing as conservatives on various networks. SodaHead, Facebook and Twitter for example to name a few.  Someone just a little too gung-ho to verbally express strong opinions with a focus is one sign I look for. It takes time to figure out the undercover agents, whether working for the feds or some other group, because you have to compare them with regular postings in each environment for one thing. Spying on citizens is a priority for most bureaus these days according to all of the new information we now have about the extent it goes on and the measures taken.

I'm posting this as just one example of why none of us should instantly  trust anyone on line that we don't personally know or know of as a friend of a friend. It takes me roughly three years or more to decide that I might trust a person I meet online without a lot of corroborating evidence that they are who they say they are. There are signs of when someone is just a person and I won't go into them here in this public place for not wanting to share what might make these agents even more believable. I'm sure he isn't the only one and that it still goes on to a very large extent.

Networkers, bloggers and commentators beware. You have no idea who is on the other side of the screen talking back to you in most cases.

Excerpts from the article below:

“"I was sent out by agencies to go out and attract and investigate, whatever I can do to find out who’s who and what’s what among these groups,” Kessler stated. “When I say groups, I’m talking about Second Amendment groups, patriot groups, alleged patriot groups, militia groups.”

Kessler stated that the operation was ‘highly successful’, that he had exposed thousands of our patriots with this method. He states he didn’t even believe the rhetoric he spewed out in the videos, it was all a complete ruse."

There is also a question about Alex Jones in the article, and whether he may be a similar type of agent. I think we have to ask that question about everyone we watch or read online. The disinfo agents are busy even if they don't share the reasons why they do what they do. The reasons to put out information are many, and not all are on the up and up even according to today's low standards of journalism.


Now that this country is run by Islamists and the lower-to-no-class citizens, I guess this is how they contain the rest of us. However, the Constitution is still in effect and I feel that my "rights' are being abused.
  • February 2, 2015
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