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A really good Ted Cruz on Common Core vid:

Cruz compared the current situation in the United States to the country during the Carter administration — economic misery, stagnation, malaise, a disastrous foreign policy — and recalled that during the Reagan Revolution in the 1980s “the expansion of federal power was turned around.”

“But it came from the grassroots,” Cruz said. “The only way to stop Common Core is for the grassroots all across this country to rise up and say, ‘Enough is enough. We’re going to hold elected officials accountable.’”

It is his outspoken position on common core that makes me especially interested in him as a GOP candidate.
  • March 26, 2015
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Willis Pebble
I like Ted Cruz, I liked that he gave common core as a top priority for his Presidency. I was a little worried that he would get slammed for saying that he would repeal common core, because it is not an actual law. But when asked about that, his spokesman came back with the idea that he would repeal...
  • March 28, 2015
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