
Just before lunch, you see several co-workers surrounding a small television in the break room. They are looking intently at the images on the screen that switch from clashes between protesters and police in the streets to people raiding grocery stores. The scene switches to cars lined up at gas stations, reminiscent to the gas lines of the 1970’s. A few fights break out among the drivers, but no police are in sight. As you see the images flash across the screen, you ask, to no one in particular, what country is this? Your question is met with frightened stares… it’s happening here, in our city, and it’s live someone says.


Safari Woman
I was thinking about these things today. We are teetering on a very small point of balance that won't take much to tip our civilization backward rather than forward.
  • March 11, 2015
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I really wish more people could see that. I groan thinking about what is coming and how things are going to change. If it happens incrementally it would give people time to adjust but I'm concerned that it could happen so suddenly that many will be in utter shock not knowing what to do next.
  • March 11, 2015
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