Florida Senate limits NON-STANDARDIZED testing,  but MANDATES Common Core Standardized Assessments.

The Headline in the Sunshine State News, Senate's Had Enough, Limits Standardized Testing  is unknowingly perpetrating the big lie by the Senators in the Florida State Legislature. It seems that Allison Nielson, usually an accurate reporter missed the big lie that the Florida Legislature pulled on the parents, and students of Florida.

Allison Nielson wrote “Legg’s bill emerged from the outcry of thousands of Floridians who have expressed concern that there is simply too much testing in Florida’s schools. Many against overtesting are strong critics of the Common Core State Standards, which were adopted in Florida last year.. An overabundance of tests has been one of the fiercest criticisms to emerge over the last few years in Florida.”

It is like the male offspring’s of female canines, in the Florida Senate said to us parents, “Oh!, you don’t like all the high stakes testing we are imposing on your children? Well, take this! WE will raise the stakes on your children and forbid any other testing that will show what damage we are doing to their actual education.  THAT will teach you to fight for your children’s future.”

Here is what is actually in the bill.


(a)Measurement of student performance in all subjects and grade levels, except in those subjects and grade levels measured under the statewide, standardized assessment program described in this section, is the responsibility of the school districts.

However, a school district may not administer an additional, cumulative final local assessment for a course measured under a statewide, standardized end-of-course assessment

What the the Liars in the legislature  didn't tell you is that it only limits the tests given by the local Schools and the local School Districts. You know the one that that actually relate to what the students are learning. The State approved common core aligned assessments will now be determining who passes and who fails.

This completely locks in the common core social engineering agenda into Math and English Language Arts.  This shuts the door on opting out of the assessments that are designed to gather data used profile, track and determine what track your children will take.  

Now all Jeb Bush has to do is get his underlings like Pam Stewart in the FLDOE to approve common core state standardized assessments for science, History or whatever, and common core will be locked in those subjects also.

The only option left for Floridians is to move, find a private school that can find a way to avoid common core, or home schooling. You probably only have a year before home schooling is outlawed like this bill outlawed District level final exams. They will take out homeschooling by having parents required to be accredited to teach their own children.

This takeover of the education of our children was orchestrated by Jeb Bush, whose Presidential run is being financed by Progressive, one world egotists,  like Bill Gates and Big Testing companies,  like Pearson, Both who gave Jeb Bush millions to push common core.  Only four Senators voted against this bill Bullard, Thompson, Clemens and Margolis, everyone else either didn’t care or didn’t care enough to actually read the bill.

The real bully in the Senate, Don Gaetz, who said he that he had no sympathy for third graders having to repeat third grade if they failed the common core test, even after he was informed that the test was probably invalid.

Meanwhile Don Gates Son, Matt Gaetz, was rigging the Florida primary to favor Jeb Bush.  Please, don’t let Jeb Bush anywhere near the White house!

Florida’s children are not chattel to be used as bargaining chips. This is heaping insult on injury. People who perpetrated this hoax will not get away with it.  They put their reputation on the line with this lie. In the immortal words of John Paul Jones “we have yet begun to fight” . In the even more immortal words of Bugs Bunny, “you realize, of course, that this means war!”

Wanda Hope Carter
I'm finding this very late night so I'm tired and limited on my ability to respond. What are they thinking! Is Scott still mum about it due to Bush or what?  I thought it sounded too good to be true when I first read reports about the law. Wow.
  • April 4, 2015
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