From Right Ring

Hillary will certainly set the record for revision. She now paints herself — not four dead American patriots — as the victim of the Benghazi terrorism attack.

Hillary Clinton: I’m the Real Victim of Benghazi

by Ben Shapiro30 May 2014 | Breitbart

Hillary Clinton may not be much at administering the State Department, but she’s certainly a pro when it comes to expressing outrage at her own persecution. For the woman who is supposedly the world’s most powerful feminist, her sense of victimhood remains surprisingly strong. That’s never been more true than in her new book, Hard Choices, which points out that she – not the four men who died in Benghazi, Libya, on the night of September 11, 2012 – is the victim.

The Clinton camp reportedly leaked the 34-page Benghazi chapter of Hillary’s latest tome to favored outlet Politico. The portions quoted by Politico demonstrate an offputting self-pity and a false righteous indignation utterly at odds with Clinton’s actions as Secretary of State.

According to Politico, Clinton writes, “Those who exploit this tragedy over and over as a political tool minimize the sacrifice of those who served our country.” Of course, the sacrifice of those who served our country wouldn’t have been necessary if Clinton had done her basic duty in protecting diplomatic facilities overseas. And when it comes to politicizing Benghazi, it was the Obama administration that repeatedly lied for weeks to the American people about the source of the attacks to continue portraying President Obama as tough on terror during election season. […/]


I’m pretty sure out of even all the tangent “victims,” like millions of Americans, that she is not one of them. No, I’m absolutely positive about it. There’s no doubt in any cosmic reality.

Even her taking full “responsibility” for Benghazi was a giant Bernie-Madoff-sized lie.

“As Secretary I was the one ultimately responsible for my people’s safety, and I never felt that responsibility more deeply than I did that day,” Hillary writes.

But donning her victim shoes on Benghazi takes the cake. Reality should have no place for either Clinton to hide, especially anywhere near the Oval Office. Madoff got hard time and Hillary pens “Hard Choices”(aka selfish ambition) then runs for president. No scruples or morals whatsoever.

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