All of the following can be found it the book;

"You Know Something is Wrong When..... An American Affidavit of Probable Cause", by Anna Maria Riezinger & James Clinton Belcher, pgs 77 - 80.

1) The original equity contract known as "The Constitution for the united States of America" which created the Federal United States is built of Articles of Treaty. Amendments are slight changes or interpretations of the Treaty made by agreement of the subscribing parties (in this case, the several States). There are ten Articles and three Amendments to the original Equity Contract, including one known as the Titles of Nobility Amendment (TONA) which does not appear in the Corporate Constitution published by the United States of America, Incorporated circa 1868.

TONA made it explicitly impossible for members of the Bar Association to hold any public office., because they are in receipt of a title of nobility - Esquire

Amendments to the Original Equity Contract require a properly seated Congress composed of Deputies representing the landed (E)states and a lengthy ratification process by each State Legislature operating in (their) fiduciary capacity as State Delegates (Deputies). 

Because neither the Congress not the State Legislatures have been operating in their proper capacity, no Amendments have been made to the actual Constitution since 1860.

This is the actual Constitution that establishes the Law of the Land - that is, the Law that the Federal Government MUST operate under with respect to the Land Jurisdiction and the People of the Land. We are all owed all of our Natural Rights, and a Republican form of government.

2) The Corporate Constitution known as"the Constitution of the United States of America"is built of Articles of Incorporation --- a different kind of "Articles" entirely. Amendments of this constitution do NOT strictly require any ratification by the Federal "State" franchises, and only represent changes in "Public Policy" by the corporation --- not any amendment of the actual Constitution creating the Federal United States.

This means that the 13th Amendment onward are not Public Law, only private law (statutory rule/regulation), affecting the officers and employees of the United States of America, Inc.

The existence of this corporate "constitution" is a direct result of the fact that the Federal United States is a separate (and with respect to us, foreign) nation. It is allowed to organize it's internal affairs as it sees fit, and impose whatever laws it wishes to apply to it's "citizens" within its international "territorial jurisdiction".

This is why the entire Federal Code, including the Internal Revenue Code persists in calling birthright citizens of the Continental United States "non-resident aliens". (Alienated from the Land or Forefathers conquered... interesting.)

From the perspective of the Federal United States, we are "aliens" when we enter their international jurisdiction, and we are either "resident" or "non-resident" in their Federal States.

3) The Municipal Constitution is known as "the Constitution of the United States" --- by now you may be wondering "Which United States?", and rightly so. Continental? Federal? Corporate? Short answer is "corporate"... just another form of corporate.



This is the "constitution" of the Washington DC Municipality, an independent, international city-state run as an oligarchy by the members of "Congress". (now we can understand how TARP and NDAA can come about... they don't have to listen to you, and they don't). It is an offshoot of the Federal United States which granted it a treaty similar to the treaty that the United Colonies granted to the Continental United States, and which they granted in turn to the Federal United States.

Think of it like a set of nesting dolls. The Global Estate Trust chartered the United Colonies, which chartered the Continental States, which chartered the Federal States, which chartered the Municipal City-State.

This municipal "constitution" is simpler than the Federal United States' Corporate Constitution and is loosely based on it.

The CITIZENS of the Washington DC Municipality and its franchises are all debt slaves, including the STATE OF OHIO and JOHN QUINCY ADAMS corporate franchises.








So in practical terms what does that mean for us?
  • January 12, 2016
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Wanda Hope Carter is online.
I  have to read it again.  .. amazing 
  • January 12, 2016
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