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Marco's Recorded on Common Core Reveals Why He Is the Crony Capitalist Choice for President

A candidate's position on Common Core right to the heart of how they think about government. You can tell if they think that people belong to the government or if they think government is controlled by the governed.

Marco Rubio is professing that he is against Common Core yet his record shows that he did nothing to remove common core from Florida. He is Jeb Bush's Protégé after all. Is it surprising that Marco would treat his benefactor any different then he treated the voters in Florida. Voters who took him at his word on immigration, only to see how quickly be went back on his campaign promises. Here is evidence that he will also revert to his big government stance on education and common core if he were to be elected President.

Rubio supported the original Race To The Top, which was the bribe for common core, He also supported every one of Governors' Jeb Bush's Educations mandates while in the Florida Legislature, Together they, created a whole new section in the Florida Statues. They passed bill after bill taking away parental rights and Local control. Florida became the model on how to use education as a revenue source for politicians. for common core. Rubio can say the opposes it but Marco Rubio supported ideas behind Common Core.

Marco Rubio claims to oppose common core but he only rates a paltry C in the  The Common Core Report Card: Marco Rubio Gets a C while  Ted Cruz, Rand Paul lead the pack with A-'s  on ThePulse2016 Report Card: Common Core 

When Marco Rubio could have done something he did not, However, Rubio failed to vote against Cloture Motion on the final version of S.1177 or ESSA know known as the "Every Student Succeeds Act" that increased funding for the Federal programs the control our Education system.

Even more troubling is the fact that Senator Rubio  co-sponsored the Student Right to Know Before You Go Act (S. 1195), which would create a federal database on students for at least 15 years after they enter the workforce. The Parent Coalition for Student Privacy opposed the bill, and said  the group 'believes that allowing the federal government to collect the personal data of all college students with no provision for consent or opt out is unacceptable – and would create huge risks to their privacy and safety.

The Florida Stop Common core Coalition posted an article about how  Marco Rubio is under scrutiny  for significant donations from two of the largest funders of Common Core in the nation and the world.  Marco Rubio received two donations totaling $3000 from Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates . Bill Gates recently said in an Atlantic interview that "representative democracy is a problem" in regard to climate change. Bill Gates is the father of common core and funded the projects that resulted in the Student Right to Know Before You Go Act already mentioned.

Another big donor to Marco Rubio is  Billionaire Paul Singer who Dumped Hundreds of Thousands into Common Core and  who endorsing and funding Marco Rubio . Singer is a supporter of the Common Core standards and his foundation has been a donor to the heart of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s education empire: the Foundation for Excellence in Education. In each year from 2009 through 2014, Singer’s foundation donated between $50,001-$100,000 to Bush’s Foundation for Excellence in Education (FEE).

Assessing Candidates’ Record on Common Core Truth in American Education JANUARY 26, 2016 , KAREN EFFREM wrote "Race to the Top and Arne Duncan were the means the Obama administration used to impose and spread the Common Core that was aided by Bush and his Foundation for Excellence in Education, as Rubio correctly pointed out. Bush also took credit for the Common Core-cementing and Fed Ed-expanding Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), while Rubio, to his credit, voted against the initial Senate version. However, Rubio failed to vote against cloture or the final version of ESSA or the omnibus that increased funding for the tyrannical federal programs that are in ESSA."

Recently Marco Rubio defended his support for in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants as reported in the Tampa Bay Times
saying "It was a very narrowly drafted bill.," Rubio said on ABC's This Week.The Florida Republican was referring to legislation he championed in the state Legislature in 2004. It did not pass while Rubio was in office but advance later and was signed into law by Gov. Rick Scott in 2014."

You can vote for Marco Rubio as the new establishment darling if you want, but do not pretend you can count on him to keep his word.If he can not be trusted when he needs your vote, how can he be trusted when he does not.


Safari Woman
  • February 24, 2016
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