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Ted Cruz Is the Only Presidential Candidate to Stop Common Core

The debate last Thursday finally answered the question; who will stop common core?

The issue of common core is important to everyone because it goes to the core of each candidate principles. Do they believe that children belong to the government or not?

If you were wondering who will stop common core your wait is now over. At last Thursday's debate; CNN's Jake Tapper asked Donald Trump, John Kasich, and Ted Cruz what, specifically, they would do about common core. We now know beyond any doubt which candidate will stop common core and all its crushing mandates.

Donald Trump failed the common core test by agreeing with the lie that the States created common core (Watch Trump agree with "state led" common core at 23.04). That revelation alone told anyone who understands common core that he was clueless about common core.

Transcript from CNN; TAPPER: OK. But just to clarify, the Common Core standards were developed by the states, states and localities voluntarily adopt them, and they come up with their own curricula to meet those standards. So when you say "education by Washington, D.C.," what do you mean?

TRUMP: You're right, Jake. But it has been taken over by the federal government. It was originally supposed to be that way. And certainly sounds better that way. But it has all been taken over now by the bureaucrats in Washington, and they are not interested in what's happening in Miami or in Florida, in many cases.

Donald Trump used an issue most important to our children's future as a talking point with no desire to fix the problem let alone understand the problem. Because Trump doesn't know or care about education he will probably do what Governor Rick Scott did in Florida and turn the Education department over to entrenched "experts" like Jeb Bush.

Ted Cruz correctly identified how the States were virtually forced to accept common core. In addition, Ted Cruz vowed to work to eliminate the Federal Department of Education. This is the only way to ultimately bring the decisions of our children's education back to us parent where it belongs. Ted Cruz shows that he both understands and cares about the education of our kids. Ted Cruz has been opposing common core long before he was a candidate for President. As President, common core will end. (Watch Ted's reponse at 26:36)

John Kasich is for common core and thinks opposition to it is "all hysteria". In an earlier debate, Marco Rubio said that common core could be a danger someday, a good answer if it was given back in 2009. However, since they both are mathematically eliminated from winning the nomination, they are not an option.

We are left with a simple choice, vote for Ted Cruz or you, your children, and grandchildren will be educated according to the whims of the federal government bureaucracy, for the profit of crony corporations, to become human capital on a one world controlled economy.

You can roll the dice with Donald Trump or vote for a man, Ted Cruz,  who has been fighting the establishment of both Parties for our individual rights. One last chance, one vote, you decide!

Complete common core section of full debate video from 21:58 to Here to watch

Full Transcript of CNN debate is available Here


DEBATE: Ted Cruz Is Absolutely Correct On Common Core (Video)

By: Joe Cunningham, March 10th, 2016 at 09:28 PM  

During the debate, John Kasich, Donald Trump, and Ted Cruz were asked about Common Core State Standards. Of the three, Trump barely answered the question (albeit without the specifics Jake Tapper called for), Kasich gave the wimpy “it’s all hysteria” answer, and Cruz actually identified the problem.

Common Core’s biggest problem is that the U.S. Department of Education has been using other programs like Race To The Top funding in order to more or less blackmail states into adopting the standards. There are very, very few curricula written to the standards, and the majority of the ones out there are barely comprehensible. Cruz’s plan to roll back the executive actions that have led to the abuse of education funding and eventually eliminate the Department of Education is the most sensible way to go about de-federalizing Common Core.




Tags: Common Core, Debate, department of education, Donald Trump, John Kasich, Ted Cruz, , race to the top, CNN debate, 2016 Presidential primaries.


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