Who will Stop Common Core: Resources on Republican Candidates

Common core seems to be a forgotten issue in the 2016 Presidential campaign. If we want to stop common core before it is permanently entrenched in our school system, we have to make it an issue, now before it is too late.

We have collected resources on how each candidate answered the question about common core in the only debate where it was specifically addressed.  In Addition, we have compiled all the sources on how each remaining Republican presidential candidate stands on common core and their ranking by stop common core advocates.

We do not endorse any candidate. We seek only to effectively point out where each candidate stands on common core. The issue of common core is important to everyone because it goes to the core of each candidate's principles. Do they believe that children belong to the government or not?

This will be the last chance to stop common core for four years or maybe forever! 

The CNN Debate in Miami on March 10th, 2016 finally answered the question; who will stop common core? Full Transcript of CNN debate is available Here, Video Here.
At  that debate; CNN's Jake Tapper asked Donald Trump, John Kasich, and Ted Cruz what, specifically, they would do about common core. We now know beyond any doubt which candidate will stop common core and all its crushing mandates.

Donald Trump

(Starts at 18:16);

Donald Trump failed the common core test by agreeing with the lie that the States created common core. That revelation alone told anyone who understands common core that he was clueless about common core.

TAPPER: OK. But just to clarify, the Common Core standards were developed by the states, states and localities voluntarily adopt them, and they come up with their own curricula to meet those standards. So when you say "education by Washington, D.C.," what do you mean?

TRUMP: You're right, Jake. But it has been taken over by the federal government. It was originally supposed to be that way. And certainly sounds better that way. But it has all been taken over now by the bureaucrats in Washington, and they are not interested in what's happening in Miami or in Florida, in many cases.

Now in some cases they would be. But in many cases they are more interested in their paycheck and the big bureaucracy than they are taking care of the children.

Opinion: Donald Trump does not know who actually wrote the common core standards and has only a vague idea on how they were forced onto in the states. He believes the often-stated lie that the States developed the standards. Donald Trump has used common core to bash Jeb Bush but is unclear if he would take on the existing establishment, the common core lobby or the entranced bureaucracy to fight against common core.

John Kasich
(Starts at 19:56);TAPPER: Governor Kasich, you have called opposition to Common Core hysteria. What is your response to grassroots conservatives who do not agree with you?

KASICH: Well, look, all I'm in favor of in Ohio is high standards. First of all, let me tell you, I would take 125 federal education programs, put them in four buckets, and send them back to the states. OK, I've been working on this for many, many years.

So let me be clear, local control, obviously, high state standards. That's what it is in the state of Ohio.


Opinion: Governor John Kasich appears not to know that Ohio still has the common core standards.

The Ohioan Against Common Core group in an article called Governor Kasich, Get A Clue. "To hear our own governor suggest we should simply re-brand Common Core is beyond the pale. This, too, must be off his radar. He is completely unaware of what is going on around the country and right next door in Indiana with just such a ruse. Hoosiers are fed up with Governor Pence and laugh at the idea he could possibly run for President after betraying his own on such a fundamental issue as education. Governor Kasich should take pause and realize the same will be said of him."

Senator Ted Cruz

(Starts at 21:33);

TAPPER: So, Senator Cruz, let me bring you in. You object to Common Core. Governor Kasich says it's local school boards developing local curriculum to meet higher standards. What's wrong with that?

CRUZ: Common Core is a disaster. And if I am elected president, in the first days as president, I will direct the Department of Education that Common Core ends that day. ​

CRUZ: Now, let me tell you why you can do that, because it's easy to talk about the problem, but you have to understand the solutions. The Obama administration has abused executive power in forcing common core on the states. It has used race-to-the-top funds to effectively blackmail and force the states to adopt common core.

Now, the one silver lining of Obama abusing executive power is that everything done with executive power can be undone with executive power, and I intend to do that.Beyond that, though, Jake, I intend to work to abolish the federal Department of Education and send education back to the states and back to the local governments.

Opinion:Ted Cruz correctly identified how the States were virtually forced to accept common core. In addition, Ted Cruz vowed to work to eliminate the Federal Department of Education. This is the only way to ultimately bring the decisions of our children's education back to us parent where it belongs. Ted Cruz shows that he both understands and cares about the education of our kids. Ted Cruz has been opposing common core long before he was a candidate for President. As President, Ted Cruz will end common core.

 The Ultimate Common Core Presidential Resource Guide

§  Transcript of Republican debate in Miami, full text - CNNPolitics.com
Text of the Republican debate in Miami on March 10.

§  DEBATE: Ted Cruz Is Absolutely Correct On Common Core (Video) | RedState
During the debate, John Kasich, Donald Trump, and Ted Cruz were asked about Common Core State Standards. Of the three, Trump barely answered the question (albeit without the specifics Jake Tapper called for), Kasich gave the wimpy “it’s all hysteria” answer, and Cruz actually identified the problem.

§  ThePulse2016 Report Card: Common Core
CCReportCardThePulse2016.com (a project of American Principles in Action) and New Hampshire’s Cornerstone Action are releasing our first formal report card to voters on how GOP candidates are doing in responding to the concerns of Common Core parents and the experts who have validated their concerns. We have carefully evaluated the candidates on three separate—but related—issues:

§  CPAC Boos John Kasich as Michelle Malkin Slams His Support for Common Core, Attacks on Detractors - Breitbart
CPAC Boos John Kasich as Michelle Malkin Slams His Support for Common Core, Attacks on Detractors

§  Analysis of Amendments and Votes for the US Senate Every Child Achieves Act | Florida Stop Common Core Coalition, Karen R. Effrem, MD - Executive Director Sadly, despite clear and detailed warnings from parents, teachers, activists, and policy experts, the US Senate passed its rewrite of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB)/Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) called The Every Child Achieves .....

§  Common Core Led to Jeb Bush's Downfall | Truth in American Education
Emmett McGroarty of American Principles Project says that support for the Common Core State Standards led to Jeb Bush's inability to attract voters.

§  Three Anti-Common Core Republican Senators Declare for President While Hillary Defends Standards | Florida Stop Common Core Coalition
The last several weeks have been encouraging for parents and taxpayers that want to see a presidential candidate stand for the Tenth Amendment regarding education and against the federal over reach of Common Core and the associated tests and data collection system. Three Republican US .....

§  Ted Cruz vs. Donald Trump on Common Core | Education News
Education News - The American people were fooled by Obama twice; we cannot elect another charlatan nor a Narcissist

§  Republican Presidential Education Voter Guide | Florida Stop Common Core Coalition
INTRODUCTION: This voter's guide includes the American Principles in Action (APIA) Common Core Report Card on the Republican presidential candidates. There is additional insight from the Florida Stop Common Core Coalition on the report card HERE . This FSCCC report includes the .....

§  Common Core Report Card: Opposition Groups Rank the Presidential Candidates
Two organizations that strongly oppose the Common Core State Standards for education have graded the 2016 Republican presidential candidates on their efforts to combat the standards.



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