Yes it is true, the only political group I despise more than Republicans are Democrats. I have come to accept that I really don't have a pony in this dog and pony show called #Election2016, but I have felt that I would get behind who ever the GOP nominee is because of the completely disgusting communist leanings in the Democrat party. Also, Obamacare and Immigration Policies supported by the Democrats will absolutely destroy this nation. I am already suffering intensely from the Obamacare situation and like one pundit said, Immigration is the most important issue because of the nature of how it changes our nation by social engineering and all other laws are formed to accomodate those changes. 

But this, no matter if I were to like Cruz or Trump best, tells me the GOP is setting up to completely go against the grains of what members of their party are voting for. This shows me the desperation to keep their elitists in power and the left leaning nature of their own leaders is completly exposed. Now, I do not know if I can say I will vote for their installed puppet because it will likely be another RINO. Conservatives have NO party anymore. Face it, the Republicans are nothing but a bunch of wolves in sheeps clothing at least the Democrats are plain to see Wolves. If they do this, my rebellion vote will not be for their puppet I can guarantee you that. Maybe I will vote for Sanders and get behind a movement to milk the system until it finally collapses to the point of no return. I am tired of watching the country die a slow lingering death. Lets just get it over with. 

Excerpts from the article attached below:

"Well it looks like the RNC is up to some dirty tricks.  Interesting that they have the power to make up & change the rules as they go.  Do they really answer to no one?  Is there no accountability?  I guess not.  They are seeking to do the same thing in 2016 to Donald Trump that they did to Ron Paul in 2012, unseat his delegates and rob him of an honest chance to win the nomination.

The Rule change that we are talking about is rule 40.  The RNC apparently likes to use Rule 40 to control the outcome of the nomination so that the outcome is according to their wishes, the wishes of the Establishment, and not the will of the American people.  I can assure you, Sirs, that the American people are fed up with the cheating that is being done to subvert the will of the American people. 

According to the Washington Examiner

The Republican Party does not require a presidential candidate to win eight states to qualify to be placed in nomination at its upcoming Cleveland convention, GOP officials say.

The Republican National Committee’s “Rule 40(b)” makes eligibility for the GOP nomination contingent upon winning a majority of the convention delegates in at least eight states or territories, an achievement generally accomplished by winning at least eight primary or caucus elections. However, Rule 40(b) only applied to the 2012 Republican convention in Tampa, Fla., that nominated former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney."


Safari Woman
I am TRULY #100%FEDUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • March 27, 2016
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
I can empathize, young Lady.
  • March 27, 2016
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Safari Woman
I know you beat me to it a long time ago. I should have listened. I guess some lessons one just has to learn for themselves. 
  • March 27, 2016
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We ALL are.
  • March 27, 2016
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Safari Woman
If they do this, what is left to do? Maybe it is time to get behind the Constitution Party or what? I really don't know anymore. I feel like I have no party and am barely clinging to the idea that I have a country.
  • March 27, 2016
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Dale Barnes
I have been for years. What is about to happen will be as Sarah says, the cherry on the icing on the top of the cake.
  • March 28, 2016
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The GOP has become the Congressional Jesters! Not only do I, a lifetime GOP member distance myself from them but I'm ashamed and disgusted by their behavior!

I'm NOT a Trump fan but I detest Hillary/Bernie so I'll take the better of the three!!!
  • March 27, 2016
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Safari Woman
You and I are on the same page, but if they blow off Trump or Cruz which ever it should be, and install a puppet, then who do we vote for?
  • March 27, 2016
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Dale Barnes
Good question.
  • March 28, 2016
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Cezar Scribe
They can't do this in an election year, especially this far along. Trump needs to sue.
  • March 27, 2016
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Safari Woman
Well they did it! Just like the introduced rule 40 at the last minute in 2012 to block Ron Paul in the first place. Now they have removed that rule. If they had any thoughts that they were going to get behind either front runner, why would they do it?
  • March 27, 2016
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Cezar Scribe
Well, people can still vote for Trump as a write-in.

He should sue.
  • March 27, 2016
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Safari Woman
I don't think there are grounds for it. It is within their rights of power to do this.
  • March 28, 2016
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Dale Barnes
Remember it is Their party, we are but the lousy voters who send them money to do what ever the hell they want.
  • March 28, 2016
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