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I have seen a lot of WOWs in the wikileaks - but this one really stands out in spite of the competition. 


Since Amalgamated Bank is a union owned bank and has conspired with the unions , Democrats etc to conspire against union members to steal their dues while knowing they could be injured by use and exposure to NCR paper, it appears there will not only be a lot of investigations regarding this issue with the DOL and other Federal agencies in addition to possible criminal charges for many of you as well as huge financial losses for the unions, the insurers, banks and hopefully with this one case could put the unions and associated parties out of business.

arc, Bob, Deborah, I will also begin sending this information and more out to the GC's of all GOP candidates for President so they can help bring to light the first of the week that it appears a conspiracy between the DNC, the unions, Hillary and her campaign , the insurers, Amalgamated Bank and untold numbers have conspired to continue to purposely put millions of current and former union members and Democrats etc in danger of potential adverse health effects, disabilities, birth defects, cancer and death basically to steal their dues for political events for the Democrats.

READ MORE ->  (Remember it is a mail thread, so read from bottom to top) 

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