This is short, concise, and very much to the point.  It reaches the heart of the matter with the last paragraph.  Bravo Governor Perry.  As a law abiding citizen, I heartily agree with these statements. 


Statement by Gov. Perry on President Obama’s Executive Actions

Wednesday, January 16, 2013  •  Austin, Texas  •  Press Release

 Gov. Rick Perry released the following statement regarding President Obama's executive actions:  http://governor.state.tx....
Safari Woman
Excellent! I agree too
  • January 17, 2013
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William Davis Hall
I think Perry is a good Gov. I couldn't support him for president in the primaries but if he had won it I would have got behind him over Obama any day.
  • January 18, 2013
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Dale Barnes
I like Perry for the most part. He is dead on about this. 
  • January 20, 2013
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