I really enjoy TeamNetworks.Net and the great people I have met here!
I sponsored this ad to show some love. :)

Someone is actually thinking on this one.  Follow these links to see how you can show the RINO's in DC what an impact their cave-in is making and will continue to make on your personal income. 

If you did not receive this in your email, here is my copy:


Grassfire A

Just nine days from now (January 31), middle-class workers will make a powerhouse statement on Capitol Hill -- specifically to House Speaker John Boehner and key members of Congress.

That's the day Grassfire will hand-deliver tens of thousands of personal INVOICES, billing Boehner and his RINO cohorts for the money they're siphoning from our paychecks.

In all, 77 percent of American workers will see smaller take-home pay. That's because the Boehner-approved "fiscal cliff deal" gave the federal government license to take more of your hard-earned cash. This tax hike took money that you could have used to benefit you and your family.

+ + Don't Look Now, But You've Been Had!

Lindy, millions of grassroots patriots are now realizing that they've been had. Remember when the media was parroting Obama's line that "the rich needed to pay their fair share" and that hard-working Americans earning less than $250,000 would not see an increase?

It's actually far worse!

The non-partisan Tax Policy Center says, "Middle-class workers will take a bigger hit to their income proportionally than those earning between $200-$500K under the fiscal cliff deal."

Those below the $200,000 threshold will experience a 1.7-percent tax hit while those above that amount will see a 1.3 percent increase!

That's why this Grassfire initiative is so important. To our knowledge, no other organization in the country is giving Americans an opportunity to express their anger toward John Boehner and Congress in such a creative way.

Go here now to schedule your FREE INVOICE to John Boehner. Send him the bill for the money Congress is taking from you and your family!

We want to include you in this important citizen-led effort to express outrage over Boehner's lack of leadership and lies to the American people.

Even worse,
they're stealing from us so that they can continue spending our nation into oblivion!

The only way to effectively message Capitol Hill is to put them on notice. These INVOICES will show them just how much they're taking from us ... not the trillions, but the hundreds that We The People are losing each month!

Our goal is to put a face on that money, and we want to include you, your family and your friends.

Go here now to schedule your FREE INVOICE to Speaker Boehner:


+ + Tell Your Family And Friends To INVOICE Boehner

After scheduling your INVOICE, help spread the word by alerting your friends and family members. Urge them to take immediate action by sending John Boehner their INVOICE for the money he's taking from them.

Let your friends know that their INVOICE to Boehner's office will be hand-delivered absolutely FREE!

With your help, middle-class Americans can and will make a profound impact on Capitol Hill on January 31.

Thank you for your support.

The Grassfire Team

P.S. Lindy, we have just nine days to grow this initiative into a tsunami of outrage by American workers, who are being crushed by the federal government. Schedule your FREE INVOICE to House Speaker John Boehner by going here now:



This is your link to sending the invoice:  http://www.grassfire.com/...

This is your link as to who will be receiving the invoices:  http://www.grassfire.com/... (They will all be delivered Jan 31, 2013 to the cowardly crybaby Boehner.


Safari Woman
I am going to post a link to this in the activist group. It is going to be pushed out today on several networks and in emails.
  • January 24, 2013
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Alice Annette Schultz
My pleasure!   Thank you!  Did you hear that the GOP is proposing unlimited borrowing for the govt?  http://us-mg6.mail.yahoo....
We don't have a country anymore.  This is not any kind of representation, and only a fool - a literal fool - would even suggest such a thing; to actually propse it as a m...
  • January 24, 2013
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