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3/30/18 Commenting about Hogg on twitter while responding to an advertiser who dropped Ingraham, resulted in a high volume (for me) response in likes, retweets and lots of attacks. Heavy hitters, trolls, and bots out for the night took a swing at me.

HOT TOPIC They are really counting on this kid being their poster boy. I have generally not passed on or posted much about him because it adds to his power and fame.

David Hogg has lied about gun facts and statistics, insulted millions of innocent people with baseless accusations of being murderers just for belonging to the NRA, dropped F bombs all over the playing field and most recently helped launch a push to remove commercial advertisers from Laura Ingraham. This is not to even mention the disrespect he shows in general for the poor children who lost their life in Parkland by turning the talk and memories away from them and onto the leftist gun grab he is actively supporting through actions and words.

He seems to show no interest in any ideas that could help prevent such a tragedy in the future other than going after guns. I've never heard him blame the shooter or the massive failure by the Broward County Sheriff's Department, the FBI and other government agencies that failed to act on at least 39 contacts they had about Nikolas Cruz.

He has voluntarily put himself in the position of being a leftist agenda spokesperson with parental approval. Yet he and his supporters claim he should be off limits for adult public commentary because he is a "child." Well, while he certainly is limited to the knowledge and wisdom of a child he has stepped up to the plate of an adult position. He isn't four years old, nor twelve, he's reportedly seventeen. There is no reason in the world to withhold opinions or reporting about him as a public figure.

He is being shielded and heavily defended by the same types that came out for Obama and using the same methods, which tells me that the plotting around him is tremendous. Deep state is also afoot holding him up and defending him imho and I can base that on one photo alone of him with Valerie Jarrett even if there wasn't other evidence of it.

So I've decided in the future not to help him in his fame by actively passing on and sharing info.


I will however post things in this blog ongoing to show the world for all time, just how much of a puppet this so called child posing as a man really is and expose the powers that be behind the "movement." The active forces and their agenda are what need to be called out and trampled under my feet. Hogg will suffer his own Karma. So will his parents who allow him to be used for such purposes. 

So, ongoing I will post here items related to the use of him, propaganda memes, his failures, and also expose the ptb behind this most recent taking advantage of a tragedy to serve a communist political agenda. 


Copyright 2018 aka SafariWoman 


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>Extensive Post Reveals Drills, Anomalies and Child Actors Involved With Parkland School Shooting in Florida on February 14, 2018 (N.S.F.W.)

Beware the Eyes that bolshevyze.jpg (145.06 kb, 224 views)
Forgive me for repeating myself, but David Hogg should be locked up for disorderly conduct and given a Baker Act exam.
  • March 30, 2018
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Laurel Victory
Let the $$$ and the people behind him come to Light and their exposure be taken to justice.
  • March 30, 2018
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