Original Post 9/19/18 By aka SafariWoman

Updates: 9/20/18, 9/24/18, 9/28/18, 9/30/18, 10/01/18, 10/03/18, 10/05/18, 10/07/18, 11/1318

At the last curtain call of the SCOTUS nominee hearings, it has suddenly been brought up that Christine Blasey Ford accuses Judge Kavanaugh of drunkenly attacking her at a party more than thirty five years ago when he was seventeen and she was fifteen years old.

What a low pathetic tactic this whole affair is, even for the Democrats. But after the Anita Hill, Clarence Thomas allegations are we even slightly surprised? Their motives and agenda is as plain as day. None of them can lie convincingly enough to make it seem otherwise except to the most brainwashed Trump haters in the cult. 

This is what we know so far and this article will be updated as new information comes to light: 

Previously, Kavanaugh's mother was the judge for a foreclosure case and ruled against her parents as defendants.

Before Kavanaugh was nominated, Ford who has been labeled reluctant to come forward, had already sent a letter to a Congresswoman and the Washington Post Tip line in July.

Christine Ford claims she doesn't know any details about the party or location other than this event. 

Ford deleted all of her social media information prior to coming forward.

Many people consider her scrubbing of social profiles to be possibly an attempt to cover up that she donated to Hillary Clinton ten times and to more than sixty liberal groups

Christine Blasey Ford's brother worked for the law firm that paid Fusion GPS for work with Russian Lawyer who set up Trump Tower Meeting. 

The primary witness named in her allegations denies the event ever happened and called her claims "absolutely nuts." 

A third witness named in her allegations has denied any memory of the incident as well.

She is currently demanding the FBI investigate first before she comes forward for a hearing, which is an excellent long drawn out stall tactic to bring out after Kavanaugh confirmation hearings were ending. 

The FBI already investigated Kavanaugh and declined to follow up on this request when originally presented along with her letter. The FBI merely passed on the information to the White House as part of an update on the hearing procedures.

Trump stated the FBI don't want to be involved.

For the clincher factoid of the day, Christine Blasey Ford's attorney, is a Vice Chair of Soros Funded Organization against Kavanaugh. She is also a long time Democrat donor who defended Clinton and Al Franken as well as was a fund raiser for Clinton. 


More soon - I'll betcha.....

Yep, Updates 9/20/18 

Christine Blasey Ford previously signed a  letter fighting Trump's border wall.

Before Christine Ford's School Book was scrubbed, someone got screen shots showing "Faculty Approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity. 

One of her classmates who at first corroborated the story, took it back after learning she would have to defend her statement.

Christine Blasey Ford published eight studies about abortion pill and works for company  that makes it.

Updates 9/24/18

Christine Ford claims she is scared to fly to DC to delay the hearing date, but attended school in Hawaii as well as planned to move to New Zealand 

Christine Blasey Ford's husband says she has issues with not getting the attention or respect that she deserves.

Updates 9/28/18

Records show Christine Blasey Ford does not hold a license for Psychology in the state of California, in spite of her opening statement at the hearing calling herself a "Psychologist."

Two men have spoken with the Senate Judiciary claiming it might have been them that had the encounter with Christine Blasey Ford rather than Kavanaugh.

One of Christine Blasey Ford's attorneys is caught in video speaking of resisting Trump after Sessions was appointed.

Christine Blasey Ford belongs to at least one Soros Funded group.

Referring to a project starting in 2012 was a pivotal part of Christine Blasey Ford's hearing testimony but permits indicate it began in 2008 instead.

Christine Blasey Ford's Attorneys still haven't turned over the results of the lie dector test or her therapists notes.

Updates 9/30/18

There were major inconsistencies between Christine Blasey Ford's testimony and the notes taken by her therapist.

Christine Blasey Ford's Stanford BIO page was altered up to ten days prior to the hearing.

There are only three degrees of separation between Strozk and Christine Blasey Ford.

As of September 28 it was reported the GoFundMe accounts for Christine Blasey Ford was up to $700,000 and today it was noted to be around a million dollars.

It seems odd that someone who is a "Psychologist" according to her own testimony, also knows nothing about polygraphs.

While the yearbooks were initially scrubbed from the internet, someone was able to put them on SCRIBE anyway where a picture of partying wild life for Christine Blasey Ford and her gang was painted pretty descriptively within.

Christine Blasey Ford is a member of Physicians for Human Rights, which is odd since she isn't licensed as a physician, but the point of mentioning it here is not that but the fact that it is funded by who else but a George Soros group.

Updates 10/01/18

The Special Prosecutor who questioned Ford at the hearing Rachel Mitchell', released a report that by virtue of its findings, exonerates Kavanaugh and through a precise time line indicates the Democrats likely influenced Christine Blasey Ford's testimony.

The Safeway Christine Blasey Ford mentions in testimony about events in 1982 didn't open until 1986.

Updates 10/03/18 

Christine Blasey Ford's ex boyfriend for over six years says Ford had no issue with small spaces, didn't need two doors, never mentioned Kavanaugh and that he had witnessed her coaching a friend who needed too take a polygraph test for a government job.

In the summary memo of the special outside prosecutor who questioned Christine Blasey Ford, she argues against charging Kavanaugh due to Ford's lack of evidence and inconsistent testimony.

Christine Blasey Ford Doesn't Remember if the polygraph took place on the day of her grandmother's funeral less than two months ago. 

FBI interviews three witnesses who don't remember Christine Blasey Ford's groping party.

Leyland Keyser, Christine Blasey Ford's best friend named as a witness states she was blindsided by this and does not corroborate Ford's account

One of Christine Ford Blasey's research articles in 2008 included a study in which participants were TAUGHT SELF-HYPNOSIS & noted hypnosis is used to retrieve important memories "AND CREATE ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS."

Ford's best friend worked with Comey and McCabe

Updates 10/05/18 

Ford's FBI friend Monica McLean, pressured witness who didn't corroborate to modify testimony.

Updates 10/07/18 

Christine Blasey Ford will not pursue charges or further action against Brett Kavanaugh.

Updates 11/13/18 

Grassley releases time line of Ford Investigation that shows Feinstein and Democrats lied throught the process.


Copyright 2018 aka SafariWoman all rights not otherwise owned or assigned are reserved.

All I ever had to hear was "college professor".
  • September 19, 2018
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Safari Woman
lol!! Indeed!
  • September 19, 2018
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