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Facebook recently tagged a post about Hawaii vaccinations and had the nerve to provide a link to WHO as if that is some kind of reassurance! The same WHO that said it wasn't transferable from human to human, that covered up for China and that has just about been wrong on everything from day one. they've come out with since day one of Covid. I don't trust WHO in the slightest. 

A picture of my post and their response:


Facebook "assures" me vaccines go through many tests - yes millions upon millions as they are injected in people around the world still waiting for the minimum two year trials to allow them to be approved by FDA outside of an emergency declaration... for a virus that is over 99 percent survivable and when even when fatal, over 98 percent of those who died were all in the oldest age group.

The injections kill any natural immunity you may have in your body which is why blood donors who have had the injection can't give blood to help someone with covid.

"Closely monitored" like that's going to help anyone. If there are consequences to a person, there are NO consequences to the drug companies or those who give the shots - because it's experimental - there are already cases where health insurance will not cover the patients.

Those who pressure others to do get the shot or not get it will share in the outcome to those who were pressured. I don't advocate for anyone to do either. It is a personal decision and I'll respect whatever someone decides to do but I hate that so much info is being covered up and repressed and so much propaganda is set off to control the masses in one and only one direction, when no matter what is said there is really NO assurance about the results.

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