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What is the truth about the most recent charges against Trump? This might be the question for a lot of people coming up shortly.

The NY Stormy Daniels case & proposed Trump indictment is minuscule compared to what may be reported in the following days. Keep eyes and ears open for discoveries from Giuliani's former long time and close associate Lev Parnas. He recently got out of prison and claims he was told to remain quiet about what he knew about Trump and Ukraine by Giuliani.

Tonight I sat in on a lengthy Twitter space with ten thousand + other people listening to his comments and answers to questions including those from the likes of ex-federal prosecutors. Purported facts were discussed among a panel and reputable hosts reported receiving copies of photos and correspondence for evidence during the live meeting to confirm at least portions of Lev's statements. 

I think Lev seems like he may very well be a genuinely credible witness. But, is he? He is serving the end of his sentence under house arrest, so there could be a deal made for his testimony. Or, maybe he actually feels as he claims, completely betrayed by Giuliani and Trump and now believes they committed crimes. The short version of his story is that he says there was witness tampering when Giuliani told him to "keep his mouth shut," that Trump and Giuliani attempted to get Hunter's laptop, and there is international scope involved in Lev's Trump/Ukraine statements.

Looking ahead, I am hoping that all of us who have ever supported Trump for any reason, and even those who haven't, love truth the most and will help to find it whether it turns out to be for or against his character.

Q followers used to tweet out especially, "The Storm is Upon Us" along with a contrived plan to save the world. Those folks thought it meant via Trump for sure. Q wasn't real, and the Stormy Daniels case is upon us, but the plan to save the world is God's plan alone, and if we are to play our part in it, we have to love and follow the truth.

I'm praying for the USA, and for everyone who cares about the ideals we cherish and hold for the future of our country. I pray that by pursuing truth we will know whether Trump is exonerated or guilty so we can understand where our loyalty should lie. 

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

This video is a good place to start to understand the nature of claims. The video interview following it, if it is the same one I saw, is going to be in play as well. > Former Giuliani Ally on Trump.

You probably don't want to spend nine + hours listening to this space but I list it because it is the origin of  stated information I am referring to. https://twitter.com/levpa...

Right on cue, today Krassenstein, who was also in the space, focuses on the Hunter laptop part of the story: Hunter Laptop Bombshell Accusations

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