When the subject of Obama's visit to his Grandmother came up recently I remembered this article that I blogged elsewhere when it came out. It still sticks in my mind because of having lived in Hawaii for so long I can easily comprehend the details and because I have not seen this presented anywhere else in spite of the fact that it contains an array of information that should be of interest to any who are interested in the topic of Obama's eligibility.

The article linked below is so in depth with technical details that excerpts would not do it service to give you an idea of what it contains in whole nor could they even come close to presenting a coherent glimpse of the information within. IMHO this is something that you should definitely see for yourself. After reading it in it's entirety twice and still needing time to digest before I probably read it again. 

I am suggesting to save time and or better help you understand the information provided, that you might want to first skip far down the page until you come to the section called REVIEWING THE FACTS where 28 of the primary issues are listed. It appears right before the final section titled QUESTIONS FOR CONGRESS. By grasping the reviewed facts, it may help you considerably to read through the technical detailed time line and presentation of information that the article contains prior to that section and after the following opening: 

Read the opening paragraphs below or jump straight to the article here: http://noiri.blogspot.com...

"New analysis of Democrat Party's official 2008 Certification of Nomination for Obama reveals that reasons for his sudden trip to Hawaii in October, 2008 was to visit more than just his sick grandmother. Hawaiian election laws and post-dated documents reveal he may have attended a hearing with Hawaiian Chief Elections Officer regarding his disqualification from ballot due to lack of certified Constitutional eligibility.

by Pen Johannson
Editor, The Daily Pen

Honolulu, Hawaii - At the center of the war over Barack Obama’s illegitimacy as president are a series of deep seated, unanswered questions about the detailed involvement of several municipal employees and officials within the government of the State of Hawaii. From former governor, Linda Lingle’s convenient deniability to former Health Department director, Chiyome Fukino’s intentionally misleading statements about Obama’s vital records. From the blatant, dismissive ignorance of Hawaii’s legislature about the difference between "U.S. Citizenship" and "Natural-born citizenship", to the claims by a former Honolulu senior elections office clerk that the State of Hawaii does not possess an original, 1961 Certificate of Live Birth for Barack Obama, the State of Hawaii has emerged as the primary co-conspirator in keeping Obama’s identity a well kept secret from the American people.

Now, however, a new investigation of Hawaii’s Election Commission and the laws used by the state’s Office of Elections to approve or deny candidates for inclusion on presidential ballots raises shocking revelations about the administrative power held by too few unaccountable people and their capacity to override the U.S. Constitution. The evidence reveals that municipal agents, working within the jurisdiction of state law, opened shadowy legal channels enabling Obama an opportunity to usurp presidential power and assault the Constitutional sovereignty of the American people."


Shy Girl
This is intense! I'll have to read it again when I'm not so tired. It is interesting!  I wonder if Sheriff Joe's posse ever got this information?
  • May 8, 2013
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Safari Woman is online.
hmmm good question maybe I should send it to them
  • May 9, 2013
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Sarah Paskowitz
Woop over my head! Iol I think he isn't qualified and everybody knows it but refuses to admit it or do anything about it. I understood some of it and the timing could make sense for sure. I didn't like McCain either but I bet we wouldn't be in nearly as big of a mess as we are now. 
  • May 9, 2013
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Safari Woman is online.
I can't imagine it being a bigger mess than it is..
  • May 9, 2013
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