Topic: birth certificate

Safari Woman

When the subject of Obama's visit to his Grandmother came up recently I remembered this article that I blogged elsewhere when it came out. It still sticks in my mind because of having lived in Hawaii for so long I can easily ...
Safari Woman

IMHO We DO need a non fraudulent copy of his birth certificate. But this article shows another aspect of his lack of documentation that hasn't been discussed much until now, that being his mother's passport records. EXCERPTS:...
Safari Woman

According to a book by Leon Panetta as reported by American Thinker, Obama's legitimacy challenges affected his presidency. Am I supposed to feel sorry for Obama because the challenge to his legitimacy hindered him? NO I tell...
Safari Woman

After hearing this I did a little investigating and there are several theories. Some can be found in the links below or in comments on the articles at the links. Interview with Peter Boyles KNUS Excerpted Full Interview ...
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