Topic: Florida

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Wanda Hope Carter

After weeks of searching for a boat that included driving around the state of Florida looking at one disappointment after the other, and dealing with a variety of types of listing brokers, I made two good finds.  One was a bo...
Wanda Hope Carter

I got some inside scoops from a relative who works on St George St. The reports about what happened at the fort are attached below. What kind of security company runs a  training exercise without coordinating with law enforc...
Willis Pebble

Common Core? Tell Florida Leadership: We Can Do Better! The Florida Citizens Alliance is suggesting that we write our Florida elected officials and the Legislative leaders in Tallahassee. However, we have even more influence ...
Wanda Hope Carter

Wow dodged another bullet! Yesterday I was awoken with a call that a tornado storm warning was about to hit where I live. After the last sudden small tornado that hit my back yard a few months ago, I was in a panic to find m...
Joseph Ryan

It is Not Too Late to Get the Anti Common Core Vote: Open letter to Rick Scott Dear Governor Scott. I am a parent that has been fighting common core for almost two years. I know that you are the best option to get rid of com...
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