Topic: immigration

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Safari Woman

And now comes word that Border Patrol agents in the most heavily-trafficked area of the surge, the Rio Grande Valley sector of Texas, recently questioned 230 illegal immigrants about why they came. The results showed overwhe...
Safari Woman

Unfortunately, censorship has become the unofficial rule and position of the federal government.  A US Congressman was denied access to a facility housing illegal immigrants in his own district.  Doctors and nurses treating t...
Safari Woman

Excerpts: "Friday, from the floor of the House of Representatives, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi attacked her Republican colleagues for their push of passage of two bills to deal with the ongoing crisis at the U.S. south...
Safari Woman

Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones said Friday that he sent a letter to Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, charging him for all the illegals in his jail. What happened next? The Ohio sheriff told Dana Loesch: “The federal...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: Already furious after a summer that saw American Border Patrol agents turned into a “babysitting service for tens of thousands of illegal aliens crossing the border with the administration’s blessing, the immigratio...
Safari Woman

Anyone else starting to connect the dots on this one?  Excerpts:  On Thursday, a week after former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates argued for amnesty and for an unlimited number of high-tech guest-worker visas, Microsoft announced i...
Safari Woman

Thank you for Greg Abbott! I fully support your postition and appreciate seeing someone with the guts to be a real man who is ready, willing and able to take on this evil plan. EXCERPTS: The incoming governor of Texas deliver...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: When Federal Judge Andrew Hanen previously blocked the implementation of Obama’s sweeping immigration “executive action”, the DOJ claimed nothing had been done to begin the rules change.  However, they lied. From t...
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