Topic: immigration

Safari Woman is online.

Roy G. Callahan, USN, Ret. 1529 NW 143rd Street Gainesville, Florida 32606 Tel:  (352) 332-9144 Fax:  (352) 332-9144 Wednesday, May 01, 2013 Senator Marco Rubio 317 Hart Senate Office Building Washing...
Safari Woman is online.

A frightening but excellent article. In the midst of one extreme scandal after the other, amnesty perculates what appears to be the seal on the coffin of the American way of life. EXCERPTS: If Obamacare is the Cloward and Piv...
Willis Pebble

After hearing Obama's speach on veteren's Day I had to finish this blog, lest we forget. Killing private Ryan If you have not seen the movie “Saving Private Ryan” You probably remember the beginning, the morning of D-Day, at ...
Safari Woman is online.

I was going to write something to introduce this but truly I am so blinded by the RED I am seeing that I can't verbalize what I am thinking without using a lot of words I'd rather not have to! Excerpts: A Monday joint press c...
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