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Joseph Ryan

Ted Cruz Is the Only Presidential Candidate to Stop Common Core The debate last Thursday finally answered the question; who will stop common core? The issue of common core is important to everyone because it goes to the core...
Joseph Ryan

Who will Stop Common Core: Resources on Republican Candidates Common core seems to be a forgotten issue in the 2016 Presidential campaign. If we want to stop common core before it is permanently entrenched in our school syste...
Willis Pebble

I was just informed that the Republican Party of Florida Executive Committee will be meeting today, Friday January 10th. The meeting will be attended by the chairperson of each local Republican Executive Committee as well at...
Joseph Ryan

Did Trump break his Common Core promise by nominating Betsy DeVos? Read the Articles below and that decide. If Common ore is still in our schools in three years, Trump will be a failure, in my opinion   Shorter-info-on-DeVos...
Joseph Ryan

  MARCO RUBIO ON COMMON CORE Marco's Recorded on Common Core Reveals Why He Is the Crony Capitalist Choice for President A candidate's position on Common Core right to the heart of how they think about government. You can te...
Joseph Ryan

Common Core the Beginning of the End? Something happened on the 23rd of July, and it involved Glenn beck’s “We will not Conform” anti Common Core event. It was not the event itself  it was the story about the event titled ”Gl...
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