common-core rotten2
Willis Pebble

Where do they stand on common core? Under the collective umbrella of “COMMON CORE”, our children are being exposed to the biggest experiment in American history. Politicians and educrats from both parties have been pressured,...
Joseph Ryan

High Stake Testing, Your Child, Your choice High Stakes testing, high stakes testing is planned for every public school child in Florida. If you thought the FCATs were bad the new common core aligned assessments are like “FCA...
Willis Pebble

Guides to Common Core plus a confession from Jeb Bush It has come to my  attention that many do not understand who we were forced into common core , As a primmer I present you with a few recently posts that attempt to explain...
Willis Pebble

The purposed changes the new Florida's State (don’t' call it common core) Standards are in and it is common core with the grammar fixed. I listened to the proposed changes to the new Florida state standards on the conferences...
Joseph Ryan

Derek Hankerson; A "No Common Core" Choice for Florida Senate District 6 For those who opposed common core and watched the Florida 2014 legislative session end with two bills that would delay common core die in committee the...
Joseph Ryan

Two N.E. Florida Straw Polls, Mixed  Results Two Straw polls were conducted one in St Johns County by the St. Johns Supervisor of Elections and the other by the First Coast Tea party.  Both probably bias with the establishmen...
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