common-core rotten2
Willis Pebble

Sunshine State News has an article called "Will Weatherford Shows No Signs of Leaving Political Stage. As a parent opposed to common core, I hope he stays on the stage, the next stage out of town. Wonder why we still have co...
Joseph Ryan

Who will Stop Common Core: Resources on Republican Candidates Common core seems to be a forgotten issue in the 2016 Presidential campaign. If we want to stop common core before it is permanently entrenched in our school syste...
Joseph Ryan

Ted Cruz Is the Only Presidential Candidate to Stop Common Core The debate last Thursday finally answered the question; who will stop common core? The issue of common core is important to everyone because it goes to the core...
Willis Pebble

I was just informed that the Republican Party of Florida Executive Committee will be meeting today, Friday January 10th. The meeting will be attended by the chairperson of each local Republican Executive Committee as well at...
Willis Pebble

Dr. Rich Swier reports that the "FLDOE Common Core Standards changes to be revealed on January 14th" and has found a link to a conference call that will happen but only if the FLDOE deems it necessary. So what to expect from...
Willis Pebble

Guides to Common Core plus a confession from Jeb Bush It has come to my  attention that many do not understand who we were forced into common core , As a primmer I present you with a few recently posts that attempt to explain...
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