Over my dead body!! I am responsible for my child till they are at the age of consent..... that means that I get to know their medical stuff also!

This is so insane! We have the Privacy Protection Act here.....just as stupid! This only means that the individual whose information it pertains to can't be accessed by that person! Everyone else can though.... police, etc.

 When my son at the age of three was admitted to the Hospital with RSV, he stayed in five days. When we took him home due to abuse from the Hospital staff...... told the Doctor we were taking him whether they liked it or not!.... I asked for a copy of his medical records.I keep copies of every test, evry appt. everything in a binder, just in case we travel anywhere's and something happens...we have a record of all his medical stuff. When we received them in the mail....they were mostly blacked out!! Like real useful A**holes!

When I complained about it...they said that we would need our son's signature to allow us to have them! I said...He's 3 yrs. old and can't even say his name let alone write it! Didn't matter...we needed his signature! I got him to write an X....they wouldn't accept that either!

"All People have Value"<br />http://www.einsteinchallengedsociety.org
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