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Except in the mini fridges, I haven't used ice cube trays in years. I'm thinking it might be worth it to buy a set again.

A few I like:

Freeze fruit juice and drink it with soda water

Make mini popsicles for a small treat

Freeze your favorite herbs in olive oil for quick seasoning



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The MORE link didn't work for me but.... when the kiddos were just starting to eat solid food, I would puree my own and fill up the ice cube trays with it...after it was frozen , I would then transfer the cubes into plastic freezer bags. When I needed them, I would take out a few, let them thaw in a bowl which I put into hot water....

I freeze juice also now.... that way when we want a real cold drink of juice we don't water it down with ice cubes....we keep all the flavor of the juice by using juice cubes instead.


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