1. Remove Rust

Depending on the job, there are different ways to use Coke to remove rust. If you’re trying to remove rust from a car’s bumper, just pour Coke directly onto rust, let sit for a little while, then wipe with sponge. If you want to remove rust from tools, just put the tool in a little bath of Coke, then wipe clean after letting sit.

2. Loosen a Rusty Bolt

If you can’t get a rusty bolt to come loose, just pour some Coke on it and wait for a bit while the magic happens.

3. Remove Oil and Grease Stains

To defeat oil and grease stains on clothing, just pour some Coke on the stain and let it soak for an hour or two. Then wash and air dry.

4. Cure Nausea

If you’re feeling nauseated, just sip a teaspoon of flat Coke every hour to feel some relief.



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