Coke A Cola employees after taking the company's be less white training
The UN-Royals
Cancel Culture - payday candy bar offends those who do not work
Cancel Culture Wizard of Oz is being pulled because it offends people without brains
Horton hears a microagression
happy valentines day wheres the spaghetti
The girl at the football party who does not know anything about football CIRCLE BACK CIRCLE BACK
Democrats welcome Gerwomany into their vocabulary
I was addicted to the hokey pokey but I turned myself around
I decided to build a snowman
Vision problems? How long have you been a Democrat?
Then - Rock around the clock Now - Limp around the block
Construction workers needed
Womens Shampoo vs Mens Shampoo
home depot bathroom sign
honked at a prius
arg pirate joke
New car line - the Ingenuity
I love my pillow because it gives me different hairstyles every mornng
where do i pee
game day snacking
my new haircut
immigrant replacing moochelle
why i like to be alone
the voices in my wifes head
Stay off of her car sign
Mike Coat of Arms
Mike Are you childish
Icing your knee injury
Huggies Pampers or Depends
poof - weekend gone
Keith Richards is happy he outlived yet another Rock Star
More sad news from the music industry Kanye West was found alive
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